Oct 08, 2006 08:35
I went to bed early early last night, I was passing out by 10! I think it's because I strained my neck a little and then started feeling migraine pain again (eventually I'm going to have to go get this checked out, not so cool at all.) However, I had a great day anyways. I met up with Ashley and heard all about her trip to Japan! It sounds like for the most part she had a wonderful time :) And she brought me a PotC date book which has all of the Japanese holidays in it, so fun!
I also found the ONLY store in TO which carries my camera battery so I picked up my second battery :) No more "low battery" nonsense for me now!
We grabbed a quick lunch and then browsed Sam the Record Man (which keeps getting more and more overpriced for anything that's not currently on sale... I remember when it was the better place to shop) and HMV. I bought DVDs which was very bad, I should not be shopping, but I picked up the Roseanne Hallowe'en DVD. I don't know if I'm going to buy all of their seasons but their Hallowe'en episodes kick ass so I thought those would be fun to have this month. And I also FINALLY found Return to Oz which I realize now (after reading the box) is apparently only supposed to be for sale in the USA. Gee thanks Disney :( However this was an import and while it was a little pricey I bought it because that is one of my absolute favourite movies.
Then time to head home, watched more of The 4400 because my brother is anxiously waiting for me to finish with season 2 so he can have it. I find that so awesome, he used to avoid EVERYTHING I liked. TV, movies, music, books, if I said it was good he decided that he'd have nothing to do with it. Now he's been converted to Firefly, loves the Enders Game series, and is now hooke on The 4400 :) He also wants to take in a Sarah Slean show sometime in TO!
So now then today, I woke up early early early (6:30) due to going to bed early last night. Ergo I decided to get up and go take pictures of the sunrise down by the lake. There were actually a pair of professional photographers doing the same thing but they were all about staying near to their car and leaving their Tim Hortons coffee cups lying around on the ground, whereas I promptly climbed down the rocks. I think I got some pretty decent shots (pic spam coming soon.) As I was leaving I stopped to get pictures of the swans framed by the sunrise (not sure how they worked out yet) and I was so amused to see that after I left the pros went running for my spot.
And now I have showered (it was SO cold out this morning and damp, my feet were soaked through!) and I'm going to pack up some laundry and head on to my parents house for Thanksgiving.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone who is celebrating this weekend :)