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Jul 09, 2006 00:05

mmmmmmmmmm I just got home from PotC: Dead Man's Chest

I am very very impressed. Knowing going into it that the movie was almost 3 hours long my assumption was that it was going to be a little overdone. Just stuff in there that could have been edited out but that stood because it's a sequel and they know it'll make money and that means that more people usually get their way when they say that scenes have to stay in. However, the movie is actually quite brilliant. It didn't even feel that long, I was engrossed for the entire thing.

I actually only had two tiny nitpicks about the film. 1. The poor dog! It was funny but dude, he's getting eaten, not so cool. and 2. There was a spot of editing when Jack, Elizabeth and Norrington are walking on the beach on their way to finding the chest and it's really jerky and just not cool. I'm sure it's there for effect but I didn't like it.

Now the inner Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth shipper in me was quite QUITE happy. However I was not overly fond of her character by the end of the movie. Just go turn pirate and be that girl and stop playing the perfect wifey character. So says me.

Ummm Norrington got hot. Seriously hot.

Even Orlando was hotter in this movie than he was in the last one.

The special effects were amazing. And I'm glad that I didn't like seafood before and that things with tenticles already freaked me out, no new things added by this movie for me. It's really fascenating to see what they could do with computers. I mean Davy Jones was just IMPRESSIVE as hell. Also gross.

And the music was very good too. The addition of the organ and more drums to the score is brilliant.

The sets are gorgeous. I think ever since I saw Swiss Family Robinson I thought it would be really neat to live in a house like that and (I think her name is Tia Dalma) does. The house in the swamps is beautiful. Also the building where the fight for the key leads, I love that staircase! If I could have a place like that which had the internet (because I'm contradictory like that) I'd be a happy camper.

Oh and the plot was great, very intreguing and I'll be seeing it a few more times.... and then eagerly waiting for the third one :) Memorial Day Weekend 2007 I do believe is the release date :)

My Jack Sparrow posters must definitely go up on the walls when I move in.... which leads me to think that maybe I shouldn't paint my whole room if I'm just going to put up posters/paintings... maybe I'll make the closet purple or something just for fun. Do the borders...... I'll think about it tomorrow when I move some stuff in..... which means I should seriously pack some more stuff tonight :S

apartment, moving, review, pirates of the caribbean, movies

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