Hee I just got back from the charity screening of Serenity! I am SO glad I went to this. I even won one of the prizes after the movie!
My write-up is behind the cut, there are spoilers for the Big Damn Movie ;)
I feel like I just got a taste of what the long time Browncoat fans had when Serenity first was released in theatres. Jo and I got to the theatre around 3 and got in line. There were really nice people there, very enthusiastic but no one who was really over the top which was wonderful :) My sort of people :D
We went in and donated a little more money to Equality Now and I picked up a Serenity keychain and we also got the Equality Now bracelets and we had great seats. I was totally satisfied before the movie even started ;) Also, total side note, the theatre had really odd but awesome bathrooms. They've put stalls in every which way so in a space where most buildings would have 3 or 4 I think that they had 7 stalls, which made for very short line ups which I'm a fan of lol.
Before the movie started we had the "Happy Birthday Joss" moment and then we were treated with a video of Joss Whedon winning an award for his contributions to Equality Now which was a complete surprise for me and which was really a great speech. That man can make you want to laugh and cry all at the same time.
The movie itself was fantastic to see on the big screen again. Also, how wonderful is it to see a film like this with a theatre full of Browncoats?! Everyone was so into the film and you could just feel the energy as it began and that carried all of the way though. Of course Wash dying is very painful to see on the big screen again. I was so glad that Jo managed to not be spoiled about that. I thought for sure she'd hear someone referring to it before the movie started but no one did :)
I also found that this viewing I was picking up on a lot of things that I've missed the other times I'd seen the film. My favourite new discovery is that Mal, as he's heading off to get the video feed out to the cortex, looks at Inara last, there's a tiny pause, and he heads off. Little details like that are so fabulous.
I also found myself thinking "Sushi fic" upon seeing the goldfish in the bowl at Mr. Universe's place. That's such a beautiful transition shot and now it has some shipper fun to it as well ;)
I found myself feeling teary at random points of the movie as well, not just the big damn character deaths. There are some powerful ideas in this movie and Joss did a fine job keeping everything subtle but very present.
After the film ended they did the prize draw. I'd actually printed out the list of prizes and had pre-chosen what my top ones were but seeing as the theatre was packed (woohoo!) I figured that since I only had two tickets (mine and Jo's since she generously decided that she would give her prize to me if she won *thank you*) that I really didn't stand much chance of winning because there were people there who had 4 or 5 tickets... BUT I ended up being the third person called. I was very happy... and people laughed hehehhe. So
juliet_a if you were there, that was me ;) I took the sterling silver Serenity pendant which is very beautiful :) I was HIGHLY tempted by the Jayne hats but as those pop up on ebay I figured that I'd buy one before next winter rolls around :)
Now we had to laugh at the lady next to Jo who was VERY into winning a prize. A few numbers were called twice (I guess people just put both of their ticket halves into the bowl instead of keeping one for the draw...) and one happened to be the number 209. The second time it was called a few people called back that it had been called already. And then this one woman was very agitated sounding and loudly calls out "I know you called it already because it's the inverse of my number!" Now firstly, that is not so. You have ticket 206, that means that the inverse of that would be 602, or if you want to flip it upside down then 509 I believe. All I could think of was the people who get mocked when they freak out about something in an icon com with replies of "icon making iz serious business" LOL she was all "serious business" about winning a prize. Prizes are extra, they are for fun, they are not what you paid your ticket for. You bought a ticket to see a movie. It was a fabulous movie, this is a happy day. Smile :)
But other than that I think things went off really well. A huge thank you to everyone who helped to organize the event. I was so glad to be able to come and it was even better than I thought it was going to be. I couldn't make the dinner that happened afterwards but I'm sure it was a blast as well :) I'd really love to see something like this happen every year, it would be a great yearly event. I'm also excited to see what our total was for the charity and what gets raised overall from these events :)
Can't stop the signal!
This has been a great week actually. I got to see Tamara Podemski in concert and got to see Serenity on the big screen. What more could a litlte fan girl wish for ;)
Random moments of today:
"Ummm did we just have a creepy CSI moment?"
Joanna is clearly my boss for a reason.
mmm chocolate boulder