(no subject)

May 27, 2006 22:56

Awww Angelina Jolie just had a baby girl, sweet.

Anyways, I saw Xmen 3 today. The dialogue was shit. Seriously just bad bad bad. I think originally Joss Whedon was commissioned to write the script for them and something didn't work out... they should have fixed that because they had a terrible script to work with.

Special effects on the other hand were freaking awesome.

Also, Ben Foster, got really hot.

Oh and I wont spoil anyone, but stay until the end of the credits :)

In other news, not so awesome was the guy who showed up half way through previews and then had half of our row move down two seats so he and his two friends could sit together. If you're late, you should take what you can get. Mostly because I totally turned my ankle and couldn't walk it off until after the movie and in doing so I totally fell on Viv. Fortunately for him it was before the Pirates preview or I'd have drawn blood.

Oh and Viv bought the Oozenator, most perverted toy out there right now. It's so disgusting and yet hilarious.

I found fun treasures today. Firstly, the 1984 edition of Edward Eager's "A Knight's Castle" that I'm missing to complete my collection. Even the site for these books online didn't have that cover image, I'll have to scan it and email it to them tomorrow :) Go BMV, they're children's section is looking up again.

And DVDs, hee. Joan of Arcadia season 1. I'd been thinking about grabbing this one at Vortex for about a month now, and never did, until I saw it was $70 in HMV and so I grabbed it for $30 while I could :) And the 1964 cartoon of Return to Oz which I oddly feel I may have seen on tv when I was little... it was on DVD and it's Oz :) yay. Also Princess of Thieves, which is complete tv Disney movie drivel but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Last but not least, the BBC complete Narnia series! I've been waiting for that one for a while as well. I don't even know what to watch tomorrow! I'll probably start with something tonight :) Oh and randomly an autographed Melanie Doane CD, hee, awesome.

What else today, oh I saw one of the most annoying children ever in Toys R Us. He walked to the front of the line and as Viv was paying put his toy up on the counter and pushed her stuff off. Now he was probably only about 4 years old but still that's just not cool. His mother kept sort of telling him not to do that but he obviously wasn't listening. I just let them go ahead of me because she wasn't stopping him and I wasn't about to deal with that. The guy behind the cash was shocked at the mother's behaviour, although I guess they must see a lot of bratty kids in a toystore. If I'd ever done that as a kid my parents would have just put my toys back and taken me home.

And in other news Jewel has a new album, when the hell did that happen?!

xmen, celebrity gossip, narnia, edward eager, jewel, tv, ben foster, dvds

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