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Mar 18, 2006 21:58

I just got back from seeing V for Vendetta and have many many thoughts

ergo spoilage

I love love love the illustration of the power of ideas and art... oh so beautiful. Also if I woke up in a room which was full of books in a house that was full of art and music... I'd never leave. Prisoner, hell no, you'd never be able to pay me to leave.

Lyrically this movie is brilliant, just the speeches... wow. I really must pick up the graphic novel and see how it is.

Special effects were of course cool. But I wasn't drawn to this because it's the same people as who made the Matrix so the effects were bound to be great. I found that in comparison to the Matrix they went a much more simplistic route for most of it and it was so effective.

I love the idea of never seeing V's face. While masks generally freak me out a little, and this one so did... it worked really well. I think if you ever saw the man the illusion would have been ruined.

I thought Evey was a farily typical comic book girl but she did get depth as the movie went along. It was good work. And why aren't we all giving props to the other woman who shaved her head? Yes Natalie Portman did it but she would have been paid like woah and got a lot of press... other lady, nada.

Also I really liked the scene with all of the Guy Fawkes's marching through the streets. Reminded me of Buffy Graduation Day pt. 2. Obviously bigger than that but the same happy revolutionary feeling.

Honestly, give me a world of art and ask me to revolutionalize a political world to spread that I'd so give up everything to do that. I am a person in need of a cause.

After the movie Ash and I walked all of the way back to my place (we were at the Paramount) March, possibly not the right time of year to attempt that one lol. I'm still feeling chilly. But big big thoughts are running in my mind.

v for vendetta, walking, revolution

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