(no subject)

Mar 09, 2006 03:12

Just finished rewatching Serenity. I came into this fandom totally backwards so this was the first time I watched the movie after seeing and falling in love with Firefly. How much more painful is that movie when you love the characters before it even starts? Joss Whedon is just fantastic... can I say this enough? Nope don't think so. Once we get passed the genius writing part I also love that he takes the time to every so often post on Whedonesque. He may be rich and famous and yet he still takes the time to stop by and see what his fans are up to and to drop a hello note. Awesome. But for tonight, just so much Firefly/Serenity love. I love the world he created there... I so wish he could have had more seasons to work with that idea because it was just so solid. Hullo FOX, thanks for not getting it, you have further confirmed that you are idiots. I just don't see how anyone who had the access to the scripts for the first season and who knew the plot arcs could not get it...

that rant could go on for a while... so moving on:

Hehe on WaT this week (I think this week) the guest star played Saffron on Firefly. Perhaps I can enjoy the episode.... go guest stars, save the show! If it's the infamous kitten episode I may indeed laugh myself silly. We go from great television to television that has the oddest writing I've seen on a series that is still on the air. Honestly, the writers have very little consistancy, some weeks I'm surprised they manage to keep the characters names straight. The worst problem that is driving me crazy right now is the Martin drug addiction storyline... beyond it being predictable... how is he addicted one week, and then fine the next episode, then freaking out the next week and then totally fine again...? Now, I personally have not had a pain killer addiction but I do not believe they give you weeks off in your cravings for the drugs. Seriously, a little continuity, it's a main plot arc for the season, you'd think that perhaps they'd have a chart or something in the offices so that every writer knows the stories that are supposed to be taking place in the background.

I'd really like Joss Whedon to come back to television.... I love that he's doing movies, and for sure I'll be seeing them... but he excells in the television art form and seeing the growth in his three shows, what the man would come up with if he had the chance for another show... I just think it would certainly be worth watching... unlike most tv this year which has made me not watch tv much at all.... which is for the best, I don't even think I want cable when I move out anymore... what a change from a year ago lol.

fox are idiots, serenity, joss whedon, without a trace, television, firefly

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