(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 11:55

We moved Neal into his new TO apartment yesterday. Today my back hurts lol. But the move went pretty smoothly with the exception of having to reassemble an Ikea bed. I hate putting together Ikea furniture to start with, it's always more complicated than it has to be and the last thing I put together had instructions that were so random! ugh. But we got it together... it took 6 of us to do it lol but it looks great now. This has however prompted me to realize I want to get rid of like half my stuff before I move. Also, maybe, hire some movers.... Although I think even doing that in the same city is very expensive... so probably I'll be doing what Neal did and having my friends help me. On the brightside some stuff could be done in stages because it's not as though my parents will only give me 2 hours to move out .. and I want to buy new things, like a new bed, which I can have delivered.

I do however think that my backpain gave me crazy dreams last night. At some point I was hanging out with the Olsen twins.. but when they were like 14 and they kept getting me into all kinds of trouble... seriously, not good people those too (I blame their appearance on the huge amount of Zombie Olsen icons that are out there lol) Then I was at a taping of SNL with my mother who was generally being miserable about being there. And Johnny Depp was the guest, and we were sitting in the freaking front row so I was very happy with that. And then I think maybe madelineanne was supposed to be there with me originally but couldn't afford to make it because there was a sign that went across the stage saying "SNL misses madelineanne!" and I cheered for it and my mom got mad at me for cheering and caused a scene and then left. Then somehow I was hiding from some SNL cast members because there was some sort of plot thing going on and they wanted me to be the scape goat. Of course I got caught (even in dreams I can't be stealthy) so they sent me through this tunnel that led to a river that I guess led to Fraggle Rock because I ended up in there with Boober Fraggle but the poor little Fraggle got thrown around by the water currents and I lost him... and then woke up.

Somehow I think that I'm taking acid in my sleep.

Oh and currently I'm annoyed by someone who just posted about video bootlegs from Wicked in the fanfic community. Not only is that off topic like woah but it's also illegial and it's the sort of thing that gets communities shut down. I would have thought by now that Wicked fans knew that. Also the girl is 22 years old according to her LJ info... and she used a lot of netspeak and just bad writing form... How do people like that survive in the world? I mean typing like that just makes you look as though you're 12 years old... I was shocked to see someone typing like that who is supposed to be an adult.

dream, annoying fans, wicked, friends, moving

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