(no subject)

Jan 24, 2006 10:27

Well in response to the election yesterday:

The fact that politics is all about who can tell the best lie is just horrible. Okay that's not all it's about but when policians have the same platforms almost so they have to exaturate things to make them into wedge issues to create differences between the parties it's just not right. I want a country where we can have politicians who tell the truth and instead of wasting their time slandering each other they can focus on their own plans and then people can vote for the best candidate instead of the one who we think will fuck up our country the least.

In other news. Thanks Canada for electing a fucking Conservative government. Especially one who keeps getting linked with George Bush... that makes me feel particularly safe in my own country now :S

AND to the people on my MSN who I saw being happy about the GST going down I'd just like to ask you what do you think that pays for? I'd rather pay the extra freaking PENNY on every dollar so that we can continue to have things like free healthcare, public education, public recreation centres and all of those other fun things our taxes pay for. Really taking one cent off of the sales tax that each person pays is NOT going to make a huge personal difference but overall it will make a big federal difference. So you save what? Anywhere between a dime to a couple of dollars a day.... for what? You can't even buy a latte for that price and yet you'll give up your healthcare for it?

People make me so frustrated some days.

politics, election, canada

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