I went to my first concert of the new year last night :) Danny Michel! Awesome! Kevin Fox played most of his set with him and that was just mindblowingly great! I'd love to see another show with the two of them. This was actually my first full Danny Michel show and he was sick :( BUT although he says it was a bad show I thought it was really good. He did a great set.
Also Lindy was one of his openers (he played with his finacee Sally I believe her name was who plays the bass and sings and she was great too!) and I really really enjoyed his set as well.
The first opener... I feel bad, I forget her name.... she was definitely talented. She's young though and that still comes through in her stage presence... however she was more composed than I'd have been with the crazy amount of talking that was going on that night.
This brings me to the ranting
If you are at a show, and you care to show up early enough to get a spot near to the front then you know you will be seeing opening acts who you may not be interested in. BUT you chose to show up early so SHUT THE FUCK UP so the rest of the people can enjoy the music. It was mostly the older crowd... so I'm not sure what this trend is. You're over 30 so you think you can chat whenever you want? Also some people didn't shut up for the entire show. As in they bought a ticket to see Danny Michel but couldn't bother to be quiet and listen to him.
Either be polite or choose another place to chat. During a small venue show you should respect the artists and the other people around you who bought tickets too. If you're talking loud enough for your friend to hear you over the music then chances are the people who are in your general vicinity can hear you too. Actually I've talked to people about this who had no idea that other people could hear them, so heads up, PEOPLE CAN HEAR YOU. Shut up.
Also, the singing.... People don't sing! At a huge venue show where hundreds of people are singing along have at it at the top of your lungs. At a smaller venue if a couple of people are singing everyone can hear you and it's annoying as fuck. Especially (as was the case last night) when you can't sing that great, as in half of the notes are flat. I don't pay to hear that. I was even thinking the first song that one person was singing to might have been their favourite song so I gave it the cute factor and thought it would stop... it didn't.
Again. Respect that other people bought tickets to see a show, they didn't pay to see you. Yes you have a right to enjoy the show and you should but can you please enjoy yourself without annoying other people?
And the artists I've talked to about this have said the two following things about this:
"it's really weird and creepy" (that one's a direct quote and amuses me because it really can be... last night wasn't creepy though to be clear)
They'll also say that it can throw them off if the singing along person isn't exactly in key or keeping the same beat. And that I can totally understand.
So there's my ranting of the night.
Cute thing of the night: Danny had this girl from the audience come up and play the piano solo with him and Kevin. She looked so happy, that must have been amazing for her.