I have a business plan I need to hand in by Wednesday. 11:59pm. *POUT* I have the same reaction to business courses that many people have to mathematics, so I do understand the cringing and sobbing even though I think tangents are very cool (calculusYAY!). And I no longer have the patience to be jumping through any damn hoops. And pay money for the privilege! *SIGH*
So there is procrastination.
Started off well with getting out of bed at 10ish rather than at 8ish, so when I settled down to get some work done (at noon rather than my usual 10) I moved right past the business folder and polished my already shiny JavaScript assignment instead. I handed that in today, so it is off the procrastination list. The Flash assignment isn't tho'. So I played with that a bit more. So very AWESOME for procrastination is Flash.
Yoga, shower, henna application for the grey hair, and food. There's another 90 minutes or so.
And for the last half hour I've been alternating between writing this post and trying to get my sign-up for the
nuna_fanworks holiday fic exchange done. It will be done before I go to bed! (Rana nags well, and I was practice procrastinating with it last night.
mousapelli's fic is VERY GOOD at aiding the procrastination, BTW.)
I've just thought of another thing to do! Much of my flist moved over to DW during the last migration wave, so I've been seeing a bunch of double posts for the past month or so. Now that I know who is being consistent at the dual posting, I'm going to prune my LJ flist as DW is my primary journal. I don't lock 98% of my posts, so I don't think it will make any difference, but let me know if it does.
Alright, there's a couple of hours before I wash the henna out, so I will pretend to care about market research and...the other stuff I have to look up. *WHINE*
ETA: Wow, I have 19 invite codes for Dreamwidth if anybody is interested.
Check it out.