Sep 05, 2007 18:01
Monday I went over Robert's house for a bbq. Afterwards he told me we were going somewhere, but wouldn't tell me where. He took me to the cemetary at sunset. He said it was because we hadn't been there in awhile, and he knew I wanted to go. He said he got the idea on Sunday. We went to a bbq at Colleen's house, and I was talking about how much I missed my mom. Family functions always slam the realization that she's dead to the front of my mind. It was so sweet of him. We sat in the grass next to her and watched the sunset. I always feel better when I visit my mom....more centered and grounded. He is so sweet and I love him. He said he likes to go because then he gets to thank her for me. I almost started sobbing. Then he told me that he's going to go there to ask her permission to marry me. Oh I am gonna bawl just thinking about it. I love him so much. I don't know how I got lucky enough to get such a loving, caring, sweet, romantic guy. I know everyone basically gags because we're so mushy and sweet, but I love it.
Candace made a resume for me, and I'm so excited! It was so nice of her....and I really had no clue where to start. I'm going to Area Temps this week, and hopefully I'll get a good job out of it.
I've had Beverage and Jakob today. Beverage slept over here, so I went to dad's. Jakey's in the living room in his high chair, eating peanut butter and crackers, watching Calliou, and Beverage is passed out on the bed behind me. Becky's on her way home, thank god. AND Robert is coming over after work! YAY! I can't wait to see him, because this has been a loooooong day, and I could use a good makeout session....haha!
For the first time in a long time, I have had a good day. WOOT!
Oh! I almost forgot! Abbe and I went to lunch today. I miss her so much and I love her so much. We talked about a bunch of stuff, and she bought me charms and perfume for my birthday. I love them! I love her!
OOOOH BUDDY I'M IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD! If I wasn't such a fatty, I'd do cartwheels!
Jakey's yelling for more Caillou....."MO TYE OOO BEH Y, MO TYE OO ON NOW!! BEEEEEEH YYYYY!!!!!"