Aug 22, 2008 22:38
1. Performing = the awesome (with the notable exception of the worst Henry My Son EVER - ok I might be exaggerating)
2. Cthulhu Masters - fun but never play the english dude with an honor complex, he doesn't talk much and you won't continue onto the next round.
3. Stargate run by Peter - Ow wow fun and wonderful and I got to have LOTS of attacks per round and the stories swam over each other and yeah, I enjoyed all of them.
4. Delta Green & Call of Cthulhu run my John - yes, this man is a genius, and yes he's capable of making me roll in laughter as well as have nightmares. I've loved his games in the past and I loved them this time too. I'm just sad I missed one because my lungs didn't like me.
5. Friends - always great to see them and they make me feel so loved. which is wonderful because they are loved too.
6. Sleep.... well that's limited between being crazy busy with games and performances and then you throw in snoring roommates. Ah well, I was too busy having fun to sleep anyway!
7. A t-shirt was acquired because it just had to be. "Zombie Penguin. So cute yet so deadly" with a green penuin on it who has one eye hanging from the socket. I think he may have been Creepy Zombie Pigeon(tm)'s first successful victim.
Sorry I missed seeing those of you I missed this year.