Jul 08, 2010 21:02
- 00:08 @ Lizz_da_bizz Haha, that's the name of the new X-Men movie. #
- 01:06 Okay, I really need to get this critique done. #
- 01:23 Guys make no sense to me sometimes. -_- #
- 02:06 Smh... -_- #
- 02:41 Yeah.... I totally screwed up on Open Campus. Guess I'll have to go without those 50 points. :/ #
- 03:07 I was so ready to just plop into bed and then I realized: I still need to put my sheets on, lol. #
- 12:58 June 9, 2011. Let the countdown Commence! 48 weeks. #
- 13:02 @ Spamber It's the day I'll be graduating from RCC, haha. #
- 13:03 @ BrendasaurBby Is that your graduation date? Cuz it's mine. #
- 13:05 @ Spamber :) I just wanna transfer to a UC already! lol #
- 13:07 @ BrendasaurBby I hope it's the 8. #
- 15:38 I gots me a corn dog. :) #
- 16:05 RT: @WTFSexFacts: Having sex at least once per week can lower a man's risk of heart disease by 30%, stroke by 50%, and diabetes by 40%. #
- 16:48 @ Spamber: Haha, I suppose. I don't think I'd survive in the midwest. It's one coast or the other for me, lol. #
- 16:48 @ BrendasaurBby: You do it; you're online. #
- 16:49 @ peppermintt25: They're just so delicious! and it was only $0.79, so that's awesome. :) #
- 17:46 @ Daft001 Spring graduation. #
- 17:50 Can I just not go to English today? Kthxbai. #
- 17:55 @ Daft001 Yes, sir. :) #
- 18:00 @ Daft001 #NED #NED #NED #
- 19:27 I'm at Chik-fil-A #
- 20:16 @ Daft001 Only when there's free food, lol. #
- 20:40 @ Daft001 If you go before 7 today, you can get 8-count nuggets. #
- 20:49 :| #
- 20:56 @ Daft001 Haha, maybe if I didn't have class right now. #
- 21:00 @ Daft001 Hahaha, okay Justin. :P #
- 23:08 Tell yo chick to go home. #
- 23:43 Okay, now I'm gonna watch Fringe and do my nails. #
- 23:47 @ Daft001 No, I just haven't caught up with it, lol. #
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