Sep 16, 2003 16:33

i hate being the intermediary for other peoples' fights i hate my sister's printer or more than that i hate having to depend on other people for printers and then missing the deadline to apply for jobs i want because the piece of shit is deciding to print in code again today i hate annoying middle aged women at the store who think my nephew is my son and ask one annoying question after another when i'm obviously stressed out and not in the mood for some frilly conversation and i especially hate the smartass receptionist at planned parenthood who won't let me drop off my resume because "it has to be mailed." well that would have been really fucking nice to know before my sister and i made ellaborate plans for who will take care of my nephew when we both have to be somewhere at the same time and i end up getting my nephew dressed even though he's sick, dropping her off at work so i can go to the bank to get gas for her car so i can drive all the way to their fucking office and get lost on the way and then finally find it, finally park, finally get my nephew inside and finally get up to the counter, only to not only be told i could have stayed home this whole time, but i CAN'T give them my resume in person. and now i don't even want the job i was so excited about, so fuck you too. today sucks.
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