secrets and my kitty!!

May 23, 2010 22:49

 SECRETS::::i owe you 3!!!!!!!
1. I am hypersensitive. i empathize with EVERYthing. It's kind of a pain because it HURTS....but I'm also glad because i can feel what others are feeling.  ya know what i mean? it's difficult to describe. But I REALLY empathize with animals (which is cool because i understand other species and their methods of communication)
2. i am a vegetarian....but i eat eggs and fish. ;)
3. being on the back of a galloping horse is my definition of FREEDOM. I believe that other horseback riders know this feeling. (I have not had that feeling for a couple of years and I miss it )

so is this weird? I often wonder about my kitty's past. I got her from the humane society in milpitas. I don't know if I've talked about this before...but when i got her i asked if they knew anything about her past, her siblings or parents, etc,etc. and they said that she was picked up as a stray and that when she was found she had a distended belly and ear mites (MY POOR BABY!!! and BTW i've been touching her ears constantly to get her used to it b/c as you can probably imagine...ear mites cannot be comfortable and people were probably always grabbing her ears and putting weird shit in them and she freaked out and shook whenever i touched them when i first got her...but now she actually likes it when i rub her ears).
That was all the volunteers knew...she was a stray....she had a distended belly and ear mites when she can in. But I often wonder about her parents and where her siblings are...if any of them are alive (and if they are....where are they? are they like her? what do they look like?). But I often think that it's good she was a stray b/c 1.) that means there is a high likelihood that she has a lot of different genetic material and therefore will (HOPEFULLY) not have too many issues and 2.) yay! a stray has a home!!!!!!! which strays totally deserve, but that's another topic. wow, how did i get onto this rant?
I also wonder....because she is a very well behaved kitty (i.e., she doesn't use her claws when people play with her and when i'm bathing her). HOW did that happen? i've heard many horror stories about kitties being adopted and they turn out to be lack of a better term "shitty" kitties. i feel bad saying that because of AMBER (who is a horse and a different story, which i will tell sometime soon).

AND SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL! i've never heard of this pattern in a kitty before....
she is technically a tuxedo cat- she has "black" and white fur. BUT in the sunlight....her "black" fur is actually a really dark, rich red brown. and she has a black stripe that runs all the way down her spine and ends in 3 circles around the end of her tail. AND her white spots...i don't know how to describe it. but the white kinda peppers the black. and the back of her ears are peppered with white. very pretty. AND HER EYES!!!!SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! her eyes are a kinda jade green, and beneath both pupils she has a brown pretty! (WOW THIS RANT IS GETTING OUT OF HAND!!!) i should just give you a picture, but i don't have a good one! the point is this kitty is like, my baby!!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH IT'S RIDICULOUS!!!!

secrets, kitty, personal

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