Happy Book Birthday!

Jul 06, 2010 15:49

It's a Tuesday, which means somebody's new book is being launched into the world!

Today I'm sharing my leftover birthday cake with Barbara Stuber's CROSSING THE TRACKS!

We've already talked about Barb's fabulous debut novel (and the *starred review* it got from Kirkus!) on Mirth & Matter, and now it's time for you to get in on the fun.

I have an extra, SIGNED copy of this gorgeous novel in my hot little hands, and because I'm in a birthday-presenty kind of mood, I want YOU to have it.

All you have to do is post about CROSSING THE TRACKS on your blog/FB/message board/etc, then come back here and tell us about it (and make sure I have some way of tracking you down again, so if you don't have a LJ ID and have to post anonymously, give me some way of getting in touch with you.).  The contest will run through June 20 (that's 2 weeks), and then I'll pick the winner from a hat. Multiple posts get you multiple slips in the hat.

Happy Birthday, Iris!

barbara stuber, crossing the tracks

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