Title : Prompt 34 = 5 Memorable Moments YabuHika Had Under the Rain
Pairings : Hikabu
Genre : Friendship, Romance, Fluff
Rating : PG
Disclaimer : JE Boys does not belong to me
Summary : Points at title. (Except for #5) Written for the YabuHika-Thon.
5 Memorable Moments YabuHika Had Under the Rain )
#2 is my favourite, so it can't be that of a failure, right? ^^ (ok, maybe my taste is odd but Hara-chan said she liked it too T__T)
I LOVE the drowned puppy part (n.n) and number 1's really one of the bests too ^^
PS: I wanted to write this prompt too but you have already done it perfectly so I don't have to try to do my silly ideas make sense xD
the more ppl write the merrier this thon will be...
I sounds egoist nee... Gomen... ^^
I'll try when I have free time but I can't promise anything... n.n
Please write ne~?
Thanks for commenting!
Even if my ideas are a little bit weird and now I really don't have the time since my school is hard and I have to concentrate ^^
I'll try when I have free time, ne... ^^
I thought you'd want to know, so... ^^
here it is: http://kaitovsheiji.livejournal.com/8188.html#cutid1
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