Nov 03, 2004 07:19
I'm not one for making political statements or telling people they're wrong for what they believe in..because that is hypocritical don't you think?
However, this is my reasons for believing what I believe..don't criticize it..because what right do YOU have to criticize me if it's hypocritical to criticize you.
First of all, if you get pregnant, your body is no longer yours. You are sharing it with someone else. And shouldn't they have a say in whether or not they get to live or die? So forgive me for not wanting a minor to get an abortion anytime she pleases.
Lets stop basing everything on what people NEED. How about what they bring to the table. If everyone is allowed to consume more than they produce, that is communism thank you. And YOU work harder for less.
Thirdly, people don't join the military b/c they think peace time is about to break out all over the world. They don't just do it to see the world and get free MREs. They do it b/c they KNOW that at some point they are going to have to defend their freedoms, and they are proud of that so leave them alone. Yes it's sad when people die, but didn't they know that might happen going in?
I don't believe school vouchers are a good idea. Education first and foremost should start in the home. So crack a book once in a while moms and dads.
I find it interesting how people criticize the President for using his faith as a way to help him make decisions, but yet it was his running mate that kept stressing his catholicism the whole election. After all, he WAS an altar boy.
Stem cell research may be a way to cure diseases. But how many embryos (aka: fertilized eggs or potential babies) have to die in order to cure those diseases? You can get stem cells from adults you know.
Again, what you believe is your passion and business, im not here to criticize. But don't tell me i'm stupid or ignorant for having beliefs that im just as passionate about as YOU are.
To make my point, 47,424 soldiers were killed in Vietnam. 1,104 soldiers have been killed in Iraq. 1,370,000 abortions occur annually. Which number is the lowest? What do YOU think about that?