I got
Revenge in, after every possible thing that could go wrong going wrong. My computer lost Internet access. My computer had to be restaged. My borrowed computer lost the entire post and I had to write it all over again.
But it's in. 58,000 words -- I don't even know. And Lucy was 28,000, I think, so together I basically wrote a YA novel. NOTE TO THE FUTURE: NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. EVER.
Even though I'm almost sure that the later chapters are a bit weak - because, you know, time and stupid damn computer - it's done. It's done, it's done. I am so glad. And I'm kind of satisfied with myself that even though this is not the entire storyline, that I did manage to do everything I wanted to. I took that vague plot and strung out this weird (okay, kind of plotless) story and got everything I wanted in it. Is it better than Return of the Jedi? lol no. But has a bunch of individual things that are more satisfying for me personally. I know I shortchanged the Jabba section especially, but that's... kind of my way of reversing it? I was always irritated that it goes ON AND ON AND ON, so my version is like, idk, three paragraphs and then the barge scene and oh look he's dead. Which isn't necessarily good, but personally satisfying.
In fact, of all the stories I've written, this may be the most purely self-indulgent. This story is basically what I wanted it to be, and I just ignored everything I know about how there should be a Plot where Things Happen that are Not Flashbacks and Possibly Also Not Monk Training. Also, the PT AU embedded within it is totally my favourite part. And possibly I should have just written that. And maybe I will someday. And yeah, it doesn't wrap up the story as such -- Vader's arc, in particular, is just starting, and Shmi's is left dangling, but it wraps up enough that I'm happy with it. Unlike Lucy -- I mean, I'm happy with Lucy (probably happier than I am with Revenge even, because of that whole Plot thing), but it's practically got TO BE CONTINUED plastered at the bottom of it. This could...probably be its own thing, even though obviously there is more story.
Also, seriously guys -- all of you who encouraged me through these monstrosities. Thank you. Sometimes seeing someone go "ooh that sounds amazing!" or "no, E, I'm really looking forward to it..." is what got me from staring at a blank "Ch 14" or whatever and filling it with, you know, words. It's been fun to talk about and to hint about and to know people actually cared about. So thanks!
Second also, my artist was amazing. I was perpetually behind, aside of all my computer problems, I wrote the chapters out of order so I could only send them to her very slowly, the fanmix ended up being wonderfully appropriate and sparkly and everything. So just so you know.
Now I don't want to write any serious fiction for like A YEAR by which I probably mean a week and a half. I'm like 'whoa, do I even want to do it next year? lol whatevs.' But now that I've shown I can write over eighty thousand words (lol), I think I could actually do it properly for once. But never two at once. NEVER.