memes (22)

Aug 24, 2011 11:49

I'm way behind on my replies, but eh, whatever. At least I'm nearly done with 10, which has been a sloooow chapter. Though it sped up about the time that that Luke saved himself from the flesh-eating beetles. (It makes sense in context.)


So, a bunch of memes before I finish up 10 and head straight into 11, which I probably won't have cause to answer, but ... meh. (At the moment, that's rather my response to anything. *eyes posting date*)

Fanfic interview meme

[gacked from ladyhadhafang]

Ask me a question about any of my fanfics. Hell, ask me as many questions about them as you want. I have exponentially more headcanon for my fics than I have actual written material. Want to know what the story is with that throw-away OC? Want to know why I used a certain wording at a particular point? Want to know what a non-POV character thinks of a scene? I can tell you. Let's talk story.

Any of them, really. HP/JA, First Impressions, Quality of Mercy, Subsequent Connections (really!), whatever.
Fanfic WIP meme

[gacked from emeriin]

Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Upon request, I will post a few lines from any of these you choose. Assuming that the file adds up to a full line, that is.


Okay, this being me, it's ... yeah, I'll add on the last-updated year just to be And I think this is all of them. *hides*


(1) parodies (2011)
(2) elizanimals (2006)
(3) estrangement (2006)
(4) stepmother (2010)
(5) fivewomen (2009)
(6) helen (2008)
(7) transport20th (2006)
(8) lia (2009)
(9) janeites (2009)
(10) mystery (2008)
(11) pride (2008)
(12) subsequentconnections (2010)
(13) cordiality (2008)
(14) georgianafitzwilliam (2005)
(15) fitzwilliamgeorgiana (2006)
(16) agipresent (2008)
(17) agi (2008)
(18) narcissa (2008)
(19) hpjacrossover (2009)
(20) jawizardry (2009)
(21) announcement (2005)
(22) darcy-lyg (2008)
(23) ella-elizabeth (2008)
(24) kitty (2007)
(25) letters (2007)
(26) permission (2005)
(27) ravenshawpermission (2008)
(28) snort (2008)
(29) wehaddiscussedit (2006)
(30) envy (2007)
(31) legally (2005)
(32) Chance (2010)
(33) otp (2007)
(34) mrsg-pemberley (2009)
(35) matchmakers (2009)
(36) lilies (2008)
(37) happy2 (2006)
(38) death (2007)
(39) c&c (2007)
(40) claims (2008)
(41) Charlotte (2009)
(42) DEAD (2009)
(43) Philia (2010)
(44) [CC] Ten Facts About ... (2010)
(45) One Sentence - Fitzwilliam (2011)

Harry Potter

(1) snevans (2011)
(2) l&t (2010)
(3) slyhp-posttrial (2009)
(4) ptg (2009)
(5) marauder-era fic (2010)


(1) narnia (2008)

Star Wars

(1) anakin (2010)
(2) bechdel-sw (2011)
(3) esb (2011)
(4) fantasy_genderswap (2011)
(5) fivetimes_anakin (2011)
(6) headcanon (2010)
(7) kitster (2010)
(8) leia (2010)
(9) owen (2010)
(10) padmé (2011)
(11) postrotj (2011)
(12) sabé (2010)
(13) lucy_skywalker (2011)
(14) lucy-bast (2011)
(15) revenge_of_the_jedi (2011)
(16) dark side (2010)
(17) fantasyverse (2010)
(18) OC - Anakin (2011)
(19) ~issues~ montage (2011)
(20) One Sentence - Lyra (2011)
(21) lolcest (2011)
(22) One Sentence - Luke (2011)

Asexuality meme

Day 22: What do you believe causes asexuality?

The same that causes any orientation -- some interaction of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences. La, look at me being concise!

Fanfic meme

Day 22: Have you ever participated in a fest or Big Bang? If so, write about your favourite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you've thought about doing? And if not, why not?


As a matter of fact, I have! I wrote a P&P localized double genderswap for last year's au_bigbang, and I'm writing two right now, both SW stories: a single-target non-localized genderswap (though it doesn't became apparent until... it becomes apparent) of Luke Skywalker, and a re-imagining of ROTJ, based on the original concepts, and to some degree a re-imagining of the PT as well, though it takes place after ESB and complies with the canon for both ANH and ESB.

Whoa. *deep breath* My favourite experience is... hm, I think it's when hl  and I sprinted all day on our respective genderswaps, and had fits of glee and grammatical corrections in each other's docs. It's fun! I love-love-love genderswap (shockingly!) and we get to consider some of the same issues even though our stories are very different and we'd sneak references to random unrelated works and I'd desperately try to get anything like as many words as she did. Now it's a bit too hectic to be that fun and I can't seem to shut up when we're in chat anyway, and FI was fun but we weren't sprinting then. So this is best.

Also, going over my fanmix was awesome!

series: thirty days of fanfic, sexuality, fandom: fandom, fandom: austen, asexuality, fandom: harry potter, fandom: narnia, genre: thirty days, fanverse: revenge of the jedi, meme, fandom: star wars, series: thirty days of asexuality

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