#wrote an original short story (of sorts) for class in the last eighteen hours
#could have chosen an easier prompt, but those asked me to talk about myself
#that's what lj is for
#like everything I write, the ending was kind of dull and abrupt
#it was a duel with a zombie snake
#probably too HPish
#have to write the rough draft of the first chapter of a YA novel by 9 AM Wednesday
#Revenge just hit 24k
#there are at least four more chapters
#and three for Lucy
#am starting to feel a little tired of writing
#but in a good way
#just realized I have to read the next novel for other class
#it's Northanger Abbey thank you God
#need to procrastinate oh look memes!
f-list meme
In response to
Reply to this post and I'll...
1. Tell you why I friended you
2. Associate you with something. A fandom, a song, a movie, something like that
3. Tell you something I like about you
4. Tell you a memory I have of you
5. Associate you with a character/pairing
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you
7. Tell you my favorite user icon of yours
8. You have to do the same thing on your LJ
Star Wars meme
(9) Would you change anything about the saga?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is apparently a serious question
Let's see.
- Leia would stay hidden and just skulk around until Luke showed up, and be there to kick ass
- the whole palace sequence would be shorter
- no random musical number
- we'd actually see how Luke became so powerful
- also how he came around to seeing the good in Vader (and loving him! 'cause you can't say Luke Skywalker doesn't love his father)
- Vader would keep plotting against the Emperor
- Luke and Leia would not be siblings
- if they were, the whole plotline about her needing to be trained would actually happen
- if not she'd lead the Alderaanians off to settle somewhere and be crowned queen, as planned
- Vader would have a more gradual redemption arc
- which would involve meaningful interactions with Luke
- the forest moon would be inhabited by Wookiees, not Ewoks
- the Endor sequence would be fairly minor
- the Emperor would be more subtle
- Luke's torture wouldn't be quite so drawn-out
- Vader's face would look a little bit less like a cracked egg
- ghost!Anakin would be forty-something, not twenty or eighty
Even accepting ROTJ as is, there's even more I'd be happy to see changed for the PT. Honestly, I think there's more I'd change than I wouldn't. Just off the top of my head, I'm thinking:
- "make it a hereditary monarchy, then teenage monarchs happen"
- "Anakin should be about the same age, living at the moisture farm - Shmi could have married Cliegg earlier - but he's scarred from his unutterably traumatic childhood and restless and idealistic and constantly clashing with Owen, but still very close to him and Beru"
- "he just enters the podrace in adolescent rebellion and it's a lot shorter"
- "Qui-Gon hires a smuggler or something to take them back to Coruscant"
- "less C-SPAN with lasers and more space fantasy"
- "Padmé is the one pushing the relationship while Anakin is more reluctant, in line with their roles as senator and monk"
- "Anakin is actually a very heroic, very noble, very not mass-murdering person"
- "he frees the slaves! - really, just more ramifications from that"
- "there are space battles! where Anakin is a cunning warrior and the best starpilot in the galaxy"
- "Padmé doesn't die, but escapes with Leia" and "the baby actually figures into Anakin's motivations in some way"
- "so does the occasional abstract concept like order"
- honestly I don't even know where to start
So, ah, that would be a yes.
Asexuality meme
(9) What does being asexual mean to you?
Not, in general, experiencing sexual attraction.
No, really. All the other baggage is, for me, distinct from being asexual - and I think it's important to maintain that distinction.
Fanfic meme
(9) For each of the fandoms from Day 2, what are your three favourite pairings to write?
I favour gen, but I have done pairings, so let's see.
(1) Darcy/Elizabeth, obviously
(2) Umm, Darcy/Mary (Crawford, not Bennet) - I only did it once, but I really enjoyed the challenge.
(3) Darcy/Emma - I've only written a little of it (for the same thing as 2, actually) but I liked it, and I love the idea of the pairing.
Uh. I fly the gen flag high here, so...
(1) Andreth/Aegnor, which I only did in one drabble - but it's my favourite M-E pairing.
(2) Faramir/Éowyn - not that much, but I like them
(3) Faramir/Arwen - I've hardly ever written it, but the pairing is incredibly interesting to me, especially alongside Aragorn/Éowyn, and not just because it screws with some super-uncomfortable stuff in the Faramir vs Aragorn arguments.
Star Wars
Another one I'm very gennish about. Huh.
(1) Anakin/Padmé - I haven't written it much, but I actually like the idea of them, and have a bit jotted down. The dialogue was awful, but ... idk, there's something.
(2) Bail/Padmé - I had to write this for plot reasons, but then I ended up just loving it; of course, that story has very little connection to the actual characters or canon, so it'd be different to do it in more straightforward AU. Hm.
(3) Leia/Han/Luke - preferably with unrelated!Luke and Leia, but there's enough subtext I can even go with canon. I know I haven't posted any and probably never will. But. Um. I do like writing them, ace!Luke and all. :P
Harry Potter
(1) James/Lily, no question. People kept trying to map the current generation's pairings onto P&P, but if anything, it's totally them. There is so much potential material there and just enough canon to make it interesting and not enough to make it uncomfortable. Also, it helps that I really, really like the characters. I don't think I posted any, though! The closest thing is a story I'm thinking of that's actually Snape/Lily, with unrequited James-->Lily.
(2) Snape/Lily, just because Snape. And Lily. And tragedy and general doomedness and all the more tragic because it wasn't some inherently forbidden thing but doomed because he was an asshat. And yet I like him and I like the pairing. It's complicated.
(3) Harry/Luna. I've never posted any of this either, but I love their dynamic and I love their influence on each other and I think it could be amazing. So.
(1) Cor/Aravis. <3 <3 <3
(2) I don't think I've written anything else.
(3) But Corin/Lucy might be interesting (almost as good as a boy indeed). Corin/Susan is squicky for me, though.
Er, the only thing I ever wrote was a fusion with P&P, where Darcy and Elizabeth are the Brennan and Booth. So ... Darcy and Elizabeth?