memes (5)

Jul 21, 2011 11:54

Huh. I was browsing Wookieepedia and ended up discovering what that strange creature, the Lucas basher, actually looks like. It turns out that if you (1) criticize Lucas in any way, without (2) acknowledging his merits, you're a basher. Um, okay.

Star Wars meme

(5) List ten things you like about the saga.

Okay! Off the top of my head:

(1) The music is amazing and perfect and glorious.
(2) The special effects are generally kickass.
(3) The Skywalkers! Shmi + Anakin/Vader + Luke + Leia = <3
(4) I'm more of a fantasy fan, but I love the trappings of sci-fi. And that's pretty much exactly what it is: heroic fantasy with the trappings of sci-fi.
(5) Archetypes! I really like archetypes, and I like them even more when they're developed enough for me to have a specific attachment to this particular version, without really straying from the basic type. SW does that so thoroughly that its versions have become all but synonymous with the archetypes themselves. You can describe a series as, "Well, there's this Luke Skywalker character, a farmboy with a secret heritage, and he befriends this older, morally ambiguous sort of guy - the Han character - who turns out to be a spy, and a prince too, and the Obi-Wan is his grandfather, kind of, but the bossy princess is just sort of annoying, unfortunately..." (Kudos if you know what I'm talking about. :P) 
(6) Lightsabers! Coolest weapon ever.
(7) It's really, really beautiful. Even when I'm just frustrated at one of the movies, there's still an element of ooh pretty.
(8) Shameless melodrama. It's so ... cheerfully grandiose and over the top that it can really get away with the most ridiculous things and make them endearing instead. The narm is part of the fun.
(9) The ending is happy, but not gratuitously so. It's bittersweet, but still happy, and damn if Luke and Leia and Anakin and Han and Artoo and Threepio and all of 'em didn't earn it.
(10) Any hack can write clichéd lines; SW lines are above such petty failings. They are the cliché.

Asexuality meme

(5) Tell the story of the first person you came out to.

My parents. I went through a few weeks (I think) of anguished soul-searching and finally worked myself up to talking to my mother and stepfather. And it was an agonizing discussion in a lot of ways ("Sweetheart, we'll find some way to fix it!" "I DON'T WANT IT FIXED!!"), but my mother finally concluded that if God didn't want me to be like this it was his own damn fault for making me this way, so that was fairly cool. There was some unpleasant stuff later ("I just don't want you to diagnose yourself..."), but the coming-out itself was - okay.

Fanfic meme

(5) If you have ever had a character try to push their way into a fic, whether your "muse" or not, what did you do about it?

I don't know if this has really happened. Eleanor maybe, in SC, became a lot more important than I originally intended, but it fit with what I wanted to do with her character (she's a foil to both Darcy and Elizabeth, in different ways, as well as a mirror opposite to Cecily). A couple of times I've reduced characters' prominence in editing, I guess.

series: thirty days of fanfic, sexuality, fanverse: subsequent connections, fandom: fandom, series: ten days of star wars, asexuality, genre: ten days, genre: thirty days, meme, fandom: star wars, series: thirty days of asexuality

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