A/N: I've always thought Harry had a good chance of being decent at Potions. I revised 'decent' to 'excellent' in OOTP, and even more so in HBP, where he shows that he is fully capable of performing brilliantly in a subject he does not remotely understand. I'm operating on the conceit that Harry has the same sort of potential as his mother --
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I suppose danger just isn't the same when you've got Potions and spells that can fix just about anything. Except bad eyesight and broken noses, obviously. It's pretty strongly implied that wizards don't take damage as easily as Muggles, though -- when Neville falls what, forty feet off a broomstick and crashes on the ground, he breaks his ankle. Hagrid is shocked at the idea that Lily and James could be killed in a car accident. So that's probably part of the reason for it.
I have to admit that I adore Professor McGonagall, though.
As for Snape, he may be a capable teacher at times, but what sort of school is it that allows any teacher to treat any pupil as Snape does Harry and Neville?
I'm not sure whether magical people are physically less vulnerable than Muggles, though they do have magical treatments that ensure a rapid recovery of practically anything short of death, it seems. (Oh, and short sight, as you say, unless Harry and Dumbledore actually prefer to wear spex.) I rather assumed the Neville's escape was due to luck; people have been known to survive terrifyingly long falls with little damage, thuogh admittedly it's not common. As for the car accident, I thought Hagrid was appalled at the lie rather than the suggested circumstances.
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