Feb 23, 2013 09:05
This is a thing that just happened!
Anonymous asked: Oh my gosh, yes. Why do filmmakers think that Darcy never smiled? He thinks Elizabeth's hilarious, and laughs with her (while she thinks he's laughing at her). WHY DOES NO ONE UNDERSTAND DARCY?
Bless you, anon. He smiles more than anyone except Elizabeth. He’s even smiling in his portrait, and Elizabeth is like ‘oh, just like he used to smile around me, aww.’
The one that particularly gets me is the whole conversation about their faults, where Elizabeth tells him his biggest fault is hating everyone, and he replies that hers is misunderstanding everyone. It’s almost always played as ~angry sexual tension~ - but in the book, he’s smiling as he says it. He likes arguing and he likes her and he’s having a great time; Elizabeth is the one who’s angry and convinced that he’s mocking her, when he’s really ‘haha zing!’
Ugh, Darcy really might be one of the most misunderstood characters ever.
character: elizabeth bennet,
fandom: austen,
character: fitzwilliam darcy