
Jun 29, 2012 21:36

I've now been recc'd at crack_van three times, and I'm ridiculously gratified about it. And two for SW, even, which is particularly nice; people tend to like my Austen stories much more (even with one-shots and drabbles, Austen ones tend to get about five times as many hits - it's like ... fannish typecasting?). To be fair, it may be that I'm much more painstaking with Austen stuff, but still, it's always nice when the lazier SW stuff gets noticed!

In other news, I desperately want schmaltzy Amon and Tarrlok-centric fic full of overblown angst, but not as depressing as canon (which I feel is really a very wide range, but there are only a couple fics right now). I am reading this Amon/Korra fic over at ficbending - it's always been a popular Foe Yay pairing, so there's a ton of dark creepy stuff, but this is glorious, glorious Amon/Korra fluff where they bond over flipping their waterbending shit at bullies. It's one of those ones, too, where it keeps strictly to a POV character who doesn't know anywhere near as much as the audience while showing stuff that gives us a reasonably good idea of what she's not seeing, so dramatic irony just about bleeds off the screen. It's totally my crack and waiting for the updates is ;_;. (Yes, I know I have no moral ground. ANYWAY.)

Additionally, if bizarrely, I ran across this thing that smashes different faces together, so I went splashing around the Skywalker gene pool. Er, as it were. I only used Han a couple of times, though, because his jaw messed up the composites. :P

In my post-ROTJ headcanon, everyone says that Leia's daughter Padmé (the dutiful star of my main fic) is the spitting image of her namesake. Actually she's more like a blue-eyed cross between her mother and grandmother:

There's some resemblance between her and her difficult, more powerful older sister, Lyra; they both take after their mother. Lyra also has a lot of Anakin in her, though:

Here's Luke and Leia crossed with their mother (I can see Padmé Jr looking like this, too):

And with their father (ditto Lyra):

All four of 'em:

Luke crossed with Leia is pretty Lucyish, really:

My favourite, though, were Luke crossed with Anakin, because it came out different every time I tried. This one mostly just seemed like dark!Luke:

But if the Sith Lord thing doesn't work out, there's always a career as a rock star:

This one is mostly just what Anakin looked like in my head:

Also, they do babies! Apparently, a baby daughter of Han and Leia's would look something like:

Huh. OTOH, Anakin crossed with Padmé produces this baby Luke and Leia:

picspam, fandom: fandom, fandom: star wars, fanverse: the quality of mercy

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