My brain is so tired. Also my left hand, which is pathetically weak and spent most of yesterday twitching. In the last week, I have:
- Written a twelve-page paper (with a three-page bibliography) on fandom/fanfic
- Read four books on fandom in the thirty-hour period before writing it (that's when they arrived from Summit), collecting relevant quotations as I went and organizing them by subject. There would have been another, but it arrived six days after I turned the paper in, so...yeah.
- Organized the assorted subjects into an outline, which itself was three pages long
- Made a power point of the outline for my presentation of my paper, which I had not then finished
- Made a one-page summary of my power point (required!)
- Wrote the bibliography for my paper
- Wrote my paper. It was supposed to be 10-12 pages long; I actually hit twelve pages (not counting the bibliography) before ever getting to the part that was my whole point in writing the paper (attitudes to the EU as seen in fanfic, as seen more particularly in The Problem of Dead Anakin) and never wrote it. I did end up discussing other fics along the way - The Penitent, one of my favourites, and a brief but awesome post-colonialistic interpretation of Boss Nass. Also not a fic, but I managed to bring The Playboy Sheik's Virgin Stable-Girl into it. (Yes, that's an actual book.)
- Written eighteen pages of a twenty-one-page short story (I'd already written three)
- For my bell hooks class, of all things.
- It was a cultural change thing. I decided to write a fantasy story that was (1) not about a straight white guy, (2) not about the bi, multiracial heroine's sexuality, race, or gender, (3) not ~subversive~ or post-modern, (4) incorporated stuff we'd been talking about, like the very very culturally constructed nature of the heterocentric nuclear family and cycles of violence, (5) fun! It was challenging, but I enjoyed it. Also there are zombies.
- Made a power point (also before I'd finished) of what I was trying to do, the basic plot, and responses I'd gotten (ranging from "omg gay" to "her mom's a zombie???")
- Wrote a one-page paper on the story.
- Written a six-page paper/pseudo-letter on why taking late medieval literature is totally worth it for one of the books we read
- This was actually the prompt supplied by my professor. We got to choose the book.
- PS - are you thinking about studying late medieval lit? Do it for Jean Froissart!
- Seriously, Froissart is the best.
- That was essentially my thesis.
- I might have written a page and a half just on his treatment of rape, which is utterly devoid of victim-blaming, eroticizing it with a tacked-on "and that's very wrong!" or boys-will-be-boys. The closest thing he gets to a defense of it is "that is completely evil and vile and horrific. Maybe Satan made him do it?"
- Though his take on Queen Isabella, mother of Edward III, is hilarious because he goes on about how she leads armies...for her son, of course! Everything is for her son! She's awesome, see, being she's being a (really, really, really) protective mother! ...That's why she and her lover had to be forcibly deposed from power when he was old enough. *whistles*
- Also he has great, if not entirely accurate, dialogue. And great, if not entirely accurate, character arcs. Edward III's is amazing. (bb!Edward: gosh, I don't know about this vassal of France thing... warrior!Edward: Imma capture the burghers of Calais and BATHE IN THEIR BLOOD. mature!Edward: look, if my son's still fighting and not hurt too bad, leave me alone and let him have his own glory here. old!Edward: oh COME ON, France, let bygones be bygones hmm?)
- His version of Charles VI and Isabella of Bavaria is adorable. Almost as adorable as the Duke of Burgundy and Duchess of Hainault snickering over them.
- Written fifteen pages of the Lucy sequel
- This is such a small part of the overall story that I have no idea how I'll get it done. I mean, the wordcount won't be a problem (at ALL), but this is half, maybe two-thirds of Han and Lucy At Hoth. Also, I was going to kill a well-liked canon character, but he got a reprieve at the last instant. Won't say who, though. :P
- The shipping is ridiculously tangled.
- Han, for the first time ever, is actually really fun to write. He has, like, alpha male spasms.
- I'm also enjoying avoiding the sweet!zen!patient!understanding!etc!Luke fanon trope even more than usual as a girl. :P
- Sadly, I think I might not get to the Vader section, which was actually one of the main reasons I thought girl!Luke might be worth writing, after all. Fingers crossed!
So yeah, ~50 pages not counting preliminary stuff/bibliographies/etc. That's why I've been AWOL. But at last! Finals are over! And I'm free for...a week? Heh, whatever.