So, I've been incredibly busy with uni and family stuff and keeping up with the Republican primaries (best reality TV ever).
Mostly college, though, between two English classes and a creative writing workshop. I've got through the workshop of my chapter, thankfully -- it was even helpful, aside of a few people who didn't quite get it ("why do so many of the countries' names end in A?" or "I don't like fantasy so I think you should do Y instead"). Also, writing traditional high fantasy starring three characters who are neither straight nor white nor dudes just makes me happy.
I'm thinking of doing a sort of DVD commentary type thing over at my long-defunct fic comms. We'll see. But before that, I'd really like to actually respond to the prompts we got for the alternate pairing fest. Nobody has responded yet, which is not particularly surprising as we are a very tiny community and I have been a faily mod and November and alternate pairings, but I would like to myself, but I don't really have the time right now. So I'm exercising my modly powers and extending the date to ... not-November. Say, a little before Christmas -- the 21st. But I'd be glad to adjust for anyone's convenience or whatnot.
Anyway, let's see. Mark Oshiro has been reading The Hobbit, which has been adorable and hilarious (and very rarely, irritating), though never so much as his final post, wherein he blithely insisted that (1) there are no ghosts in Middle-earth, (2) marching straight towards a volcano would be bad, and (3) hobbit culture is totally unlike early twentieth century English culture. At this point, it seems like at least half the comments are in ROT-13. Mine are, anyway! And so were the first eighteen or so on today's post and he's all YOU'RE TAUNTING ME WITH MY SITE RULES and everybody is WE DO IT OUT OF LOVE, MARK. Also, I got to get into a geeky disagreement with somebody who knew the backstory and whatnot, which was fun (though really, I do not think Celebrimbor sent Nenya to Galadriel because she's a princess).
I'm also taking an upper-division Tolkien class this coming quarter, just as he starts reading LOTR. This could not be more perfect. Possibly I will produce the occasional Middle-earth related post. I'm sure I still have a few Tolkien people on my f-list, anyway.
Also, there are some vaguely meta-y fic-related SW-y/Austen-y things I'm thinking of too, and they're faster than fic. I should be able to manage one soon, and at the very least a picspam.
So things are looking up!