Sale ends tomorrow, and I want to buy a bed and a bed crown.
The bed I want to buy is here:
The bed The bed crown is here:
The bed crown Here's the problem - which color of the bed crown should I pick? The brown one should match with the bed and floor, but the white one will go with the molding and should have less dramatic look. The walls in the room are light lavender, and the overall style is simple Romantic, with very few elements other then the bed (which I will hopefully get). Gosh, I really don't know which one to pick, and the sale ends tomorrow, and I really want the bed and the crown as a set, and the shipping cost is too high to get both colors and then send one back. Shit. Please? If I have any friends left, please give me an advice! It will be muchly appreciated. Muchly! :-)
ETA: I've got the bed and the wood-color crown yesterday. *hugs my friends tight* Thank you so much for making me pick the right thingy!