I'm too sexy for my resume

Nov 01, 2005 19:03

Man. I am so PMSing. I have eaten absolutely everything in sight today and took a 2 hour afternoon nap. I feel like crap. Blech.

However, I have very exciting news! I heard back from Fairchild Publishing about an internship!! They are the parent company for Conde Nast, which publishes pretty much every magazine ever -- Vougue, W, Glamour, Lucky, etc. I applied for an internship either this spring or summer, and they got back to me to ask which I would like to do so that they can assign me an interview date. Apparently they weed through the resumes (yes, I know there is an accent in the word "resume" but everytime I type it in here it fucks up the formatting) and then ask a few applicants to fly to NYC for an interview. They select the final students from then. In my cover letter I said I would do either semester -- I know these spots are highly competitive so I'll take whatever I can get! Anyway, they wanted me to narrow down which I am taking as a good sign -- if my resume wasn't that impressive they wouldn't care to clarify, right?

So here's the dillema. If I intern this spring, I will have to scramble to find housing and money. The internship is unpaid, of course, and provides no housing. I could probably find something with Julia or my friends out there, but to crash in someone's studio for 3-4 months is a little... um, uncomfortable. I'd have to find a second job while out there too. The Barbers said they would be happy to pay me a pretty solid amount for watching Grace every once in awhile, so that's an option. Or I could just find another nanny gig. I'd like to go to NYC in the spring just because I miss it and everyone out there like freaking CRAZY, but I think doing it so soon is just too complicated to work out.

This summer, however, I could crash with Julia (and it'd only be 2 months of cramped quarters as opposed to 4) and nanny nearly full time for Grace again since she'll be out of school.

I think I'll tell them I prefer summer. In any case, there is a very strong possibility I will be interning at INtake or Indy Men's Magazine this spring anyway.

Clay is coming into town for Thanksgiving. He called to let me know, so I start teasing him about all the reckless partying he's going to be doing while he's in town. He gets really quiet and is like, "Um, I'm coming into town because Laura is dying."


Laura was his first girlfriend, and as far as I can surmise is the only woman he's ever actually loved. They are close friends now but she was engaged to this other guy, which I think broke Clay's heart even though he'll never admit it. He was convinved Laura was his soulmate. Anyway, she had a bout of cancer a few years ago but it went into remission. Now, I guess, she has brain cancer. Yeah. Could you imagine a worse way to lose someone? He's not even sure she's going to make it until Thanksgiving, but he can't afford to fly out here any sooner. (He is a student in CO) I hope he makes it in time.

I received an email from some dude today wondering why I wans't writing the sex column this year. He said he misses it. I told him to tell that to my editor! (ha ha) Don't get me wrong -- personally, I think the people at the paper are nice and whatever, but The Sagmore as an instiution sucks. Basically they write an extremely safe newsletter. Journalistically, its pretty much worthless. And they had a great thing going last semester with all the op/ed and whatnot.

Plans for this week....
Register for spring classes, catch up on homework, get back into the gym, and this weekend..? We're thinking heading to some gay bars. I'm getting a little of being groped by frat boys in the Rip, and if we go to Metro or Talbott Street we can all actually dance without being raped. Plus I think gay men would LOVE me. An old friend, Heather, is going to be in town, so perhaps she will be coming too.
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