(C) 忽然
#akame Potato March 2011
Kame: I used to drink sparkling water everyday at home. In case those run out, I store a lot in the refrigerator.
Jin: *current debate my life rite now” is sparkling water bad for ur helth??” cuz i kinda like it recently~
http://twitter.com/#!/Jin_Akanishi/status/53592311162089474 Wink Up July 2003
During the part where Akame exchange mail: About the two playing baseball
Jin: “I’m the winner!!” (Actually, it was Kame)
Kame: “Then let the winner be Jin. It’s okay, because it’s Jin…”
Date: 2004
The song “Care” which was written by Jin is a response to the song “Kizuna”written by Kame.
Once Kame said in an interview: “Kizuna is a love song…”
And then some time later,
Jin asked him: “You wrote Kizuna for me, right?”
Kame: “…Yes.”
keniek &