Jin Akanishi interview at ” Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas” K-Town Premiere
Pacific Rim Video correspondent Chris Trondsen interviews J Pop / J
Music artist Jin Akanishi at the " Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas"
K-Town Premiere held at the CGV Cinemas in the Koreatown area of Los
Angeles, CA on Thursday, November 3, 2011
Jin Akanishi, Japanese
Pop Phenom, is about to take the U.S. by storm with his highly
anticipated single "Test Drive" ft. Jason Derulo, available on iTunes
November 8. The Takeover series accounts Jin's adventures as he crosses
over from Japan into the United States.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUlu9o6KpU&feature=player_embedded Jin Akanishi talks about Harold Kumar , Justin Bieber, New Album, The Take Over and concert
Pacific Rim Video correspondent interviews Jin Akanishi at the
Kollaboration 11 event held at the Nokia Theatre LA Live in Los Angeles,
CA on Saturday, Nov 5, 2011.
Chris tries to get as many
questions as possible but cut off my Kollaboration staffer. He gets a
few in such as his new album, meeting Justin Bieber and about his tour.
Photo gallery of the event by Sthanlee Mirador available for viewing at
http://pacificrimphotopress.com/gallery.php?gid=847 Video Credits:
Peter Gonzaga.. Producer
http://twitter.com/petergonzagaChris Trondsen... Correspondent
http://twitter.com/christrondsenFollow Pacific Rim Video on twitter @pacificrimvideo
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PacificRimVideoPress i just wish the interview was not interrupted coz it seems that Jin was in the mood for answering those questions. well, we’ll have to wait for a formal press con to hear everything Jin has to say. there’s so many new stuffs about Jin that I’m starting to have a panic attack here… >_<