There's a party inside my brain, and no one else is invited!

Oct 13, 2007 21:55

Isn't odd how even when we're drunk we can still remember words to songs that we feel an affinty for. We may not be able to remember who we are, or who we came with. We may not be able to write an opus, or perform major feats of humane achievement. We may not be able to perform as simple a task as hold a pen, but we can still sing along with a cong that we feel sings to our own heart... Sadly, for most Australians, that is Jimmy Barnes with "casane" or owever it's spelt.... for me to reach this mini-epiphany, however, it was Rotersand with "Almost Wasted", a song for which I hold the utmost respect. Simple lyrics, but even at the most coherent of times, they make me listen with pricked ears and an open mind...

Also, in this random open mic of mind...

I have come to the realisation the my maternal and professional instinct conflict with my personal preferences to an alarmingly large degree... This is not good...

Also, is it wrong that I want to kill off each and every one of my Sims and start anew? They are akin to my self-spawn progeny... Well, apart from the fact that they have no physcal body... Well, they do, but it is made of a miniscule amount of electrons stored in my computer's harddrive... Which begs the queation, as "humans" are made up of carbon and elctrons, does that make computer games characters and "Sims" humans? Where does that grey line finish and begin? There are a lot of "humans" that I think are not worthy of that ignoble title...

Anyway, I should get off my soap box some point this evening or the rant could last an age... As it is, it's taken about four times the time it's taken you to read this, in order for me to write it, what with constant editing... Grrr.. Mmmmmm... Vodka!
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