Family Remains rant

Jan 16, 2009 23:46

Ok, so not the best episode in the world. But not bad either.
What I have problem with is that some fans are complaining about how the writers are on their way to destroy the hero that is Dean. That there is no way that Dean would ever enjoy torturing another soul.
I say, Dean was in hell. And hell ain't a fun place. It takes who you were on earth and twists it to be someone who you never thought you could be.
What hell wants to do is break the essence that is Dean. Inch by inch and turn him into one of them. Because face it, off all the souls that come through hell, a hunter is going to be on the top of the priority list. And a hunter who is pretty much legendary like Dean was, is gonna be a joy for the demons. For Alastair.
And understand that Dean had 30 years in hell before he got off the rack and 25 years since Mary's death. That's 55 years of hurt, disappointment, resentment, anger, loneliness and all kind of negative emotions that have festered Dean. I'm guessing he used that to make himself tortured someone. And letting those emotions out must have felt good. Honest to God joy for him to not have them in him. It made him enjoy torturing souls.
How is that unrealistic?
It's funny how the fans feel so proud that the characters on the show are three dimensional yet when something like this is real they say that the characters are destroyed.
You know what. Dean was destroyed. All the stuff that he had to go through in hell, killed a part of him when he remembered it all. We all know that Dean is the type of person who would take on the guilt of something that wasn't his fault but this was his doing.
So yes, Dean was destroyed just not in the context of what some fans are thinking.
But hey, you guys are entitled to your opinions and I am to mine.

P/S: Where the hell is the Sammy time? I miss the guy. I thought they were gonna get equal screen time. I was kinda bummed. Ok, maybe the screen time was equal, I guess Sam didn't have much to do in the episode. You know, other then figure out who the girl is...i'll shut up now.

family remains

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