Round #03 - Results #01

Sep 15, 2009 16:12

I hate doing this kind of posts, especially when the votes are this close!

Eliminated: elitefan
Mod's & People's choice: messdestruction


elitefan with -4 votes
Thanks for participating and I'm sorry to see you go. I hope you'll stick around to vote or to participate in the next round! ;)

Mod's & People's Choice

messdestruction with +3 votes
The cropping and coloring are great as well as the choice of text which definitely matches the scene.

#01) -2 +2 = 0
#03) -0 +3 = +3
#05) -3 +0 = -3
#06) -3 +0 = -3
#07) -3 +0 = -3
#08) -4 +0 = -4
( Your icon's number.)
+ If your icon isn't listed here, then you received no votes, congrats.
+ If you want to know your comments, reply to this post and you will get the comments in a screened reply.

results, round #3

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