Challenge #02 - Round #01

Jan 28, 2007 14:19

Okay, let's go, here is the first round of the second challenge!
If there are still some people who want to sign up, please do that before this round ends, sign up post can be found HERE
@Participants: You still got the chance to earn a second skip before this round ends, so hurry up to the SKIP POST.

+You have to enter one icon.
+No blending of other pictures, you have to use the provided picture.
+Do not post your icon anywhere else before the voting for this round is over.
+Icons must be 100 x 100 pixels or less, and 40Kb or less.
+If you don't get your entry in time, I'll use your skip.
+You are only allowed to participate if your name is listed HERE.
+Submit your icon as an image and URL in a comment to this post. Comments will be screened.
+If you're not able to participate in this round, please tell me in the SKIP POST.
+If there are still any questions, ask them in a separate post.

Movie > Open Graves


Deadline: Saturday, February 3rd 5th 2007, @ 6 p.m. Europe/Berlin (timezoneconverter)

23/27 participants have entered this round.

Also Tc_lims(Tru Calling) needs more participants.
@Participants: Please check if you've friended the comm, otherwise you'll miss the reminders.

challenge #2, round

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