Challenge #01 - Round #13 - The Finale

Dec 01, 2006 16:46


+You have to enter FOUR icons, 1 from part #1 and 1 from part #2 and 1 from part #3 and 1 for part #4.
+No blending of the pictures, you have to choose one picture from each part(#1, #2 & #3).
+Do not post your icon anywhere else before the voting for this round is over.
+Icons must be 100 x 100 pixels or less, and 40Kb or less.
+One icon with the picture from part #1 or #2 or #3(but not #4) has to be black and white, it can have a flash of color, but not the image itself, I mean, you can use a brush or texture that has a color, but the picture has to be b/w. [NEW RULE!]
+So 1 icon from the first three parts has to be b/w, the rest is your choice. ;)
+You are only allowed to participate if your name is
monticora or
+Submit your icon as a comment to this post. Comments will be screened.
+Deadline for this round is Tuesday, December 12th 2006.
+If there are still any questions, ask them in a separate post.

PART #1 (choose one cap)

Cap #1 / Cap #2
"Tru Calling - 1x05 Haunted" caps taken from

PART #2 (choose one pic)

Picture #1 / Picture #2
"Miramax Golden Globe Party 2005" pictures taken from

PART #3 (choose one cap)

Cap #1 / Cap #2
"BtVS - 4x16 Who are you" caps taken from

+You have to choose an Eliza picture by your own.
+It can be anything that has to do with Eliza(screencap, photoshoot, public appearance, etc.).

So, now the finale can begin, and please read the rules!
There are some special rules added!
Feel free to ask if you don't understand sth. ;)

Comment with your icon like this:



[02/02] participants entered

finale, challenge #1, round #13

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