Taken from Paula-- Fandom meme

Dec 29, 2010 11:46

Fandom Meme 2010

Your main fandom of the year?
This would have to be Glee and Salesforce.com, with the continuation of my first love of Star Wars.

Your favourite film watched this year?
Wow- I've actually watched some movies this year! Hooray for kiddo getting old enough to go with me! (for kid movies at least) I bawled my eyes out at Toy Story 3. I loved Despicable Me (It's so fluffy I COULD DIE!) Riley loved the minions. I do fear she'd make Palpatine very proud. I can't wait to see Tron this afternoon!

Your favourite book read this year?
I realized I need to take better care in tracking what I've read. I've got a Goodreads account- just need to use it! Wish there was a synch or something from my kindle. Anyway-- I've read a lot this year, two of the standouts were the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series and the Hunger Games series. Both were well written and I enjoyed them both. I do not understand how anyone could think there was going to be a question between the two boys in THG- that was obvious from the beginning for me.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
Glee. "Own it" by Black Eyed Peas (it was the Dreamforce theme song)

Your favourite TV show of the year?
Doctor Who. I loved Tom Baker as a kid and missed the David Tennant wagon- so with the 11th Doctor I jumped back in and OMG LOVE. I LOVE Matt Smith. I was concerned reading about him before the series began- he is young, he is different-- but he reminds me so much of the things I loved about the 4th Doctor I just really don't care. Amy Pond is great, I love that she made Rory play Dr *ha ha* growing up - reminded me of me pretending to play with Luke Skywalker. And I love love love River Song! I'm a fan of Alex Kingston from her ER days, and River is just an awesome female character. Even if she turns out to be this horrible horrible person-- even if she is the one to kill the doctor someday- I'm not sure I'd hate her. I think I'd rationalize something to make sense of it and it'll break my heart.

After that I look forward to the usual- Big Bang Theory (esp Wil Wheaton episodes), Dexter, True Blood, House, and stuff I can't think of right now! Oh yeah! WALKING DEAD! I got Mark the first book for Christmas and waiting for him to finish it so I can read it too. :)

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Hunger Games (taking YA a whole new direction- kids killing kids? Rebellion? Marketing? Propaganda? YES!) and Walking Dead. I found a new fandom this year-- at work I had a new system dropped into my lap to manage- salesforce.com It is AWESOME! And what a great community! And when I got to the Dreamforce conference, basically found that somehow I'd made it into a VIP group! I didn't make it into the first MVP community class, but that's a goal for this year. I have never found software that I love as much as I do as Salesforce and the new friends I've met through the application and the convention-- wow. So much love that I'm even considering a blog. They hold the convention in San Francisco (OH TWIST MY ARM! ;) ) and this year-- the Savage Opress Clone Wars screening was in San Francisco the night before I flew out and I GOT TO GO! I never get to go to that sort of thing because they don't have them where I live-- and this time not only do I get to go to the screening but-- a tour of the LFL Presidio offices, got to visit with LFL friends, saw tons of props and shopped at the store. Then at the screening -- oh wow, the screening was at 1 Letterman, which is the LFL offices in the theater they use for viewings there and OMG. I swear I saw Adam Savage there with his kids, and just a few rows back were George Lucas (who I only saw briefly at C5) and Katie Lucas (who wrote this arc of stories and they are awesome!!!!)!!! There were others there too but WOW what a night!!!

I also got to volunteer again at Celebration 5. I worked for Starwarsshop.com and had a very tiring but fun time talking to fans and doing some line wrangling. I even got a compliment on my branding/marketing skills. :) The most exciting moment was when Jon Stewart came through with his kids. He was SO kind and just absolutely wonderful with his kids. I was just so impressed. It was hilarious because the person I was working for came over and was "did you get a picutre??!!?" and I said no, of course not. They said "why not?!?" and I replied that because I wouldn't take a picture is exactly how I could get the job working for him! We both laughed and thought at the same time we couldn't take pictures but nothing was stopping us from tweeting about it once they moved on!!! WOOT! Besides seeing all my friends, besides seeing George and Jon, some of my favorite memories of C5 are:
1- sitting on the stairs (no seats available) watching and listening to Mark Hammill. The 3 year old inside of me was just speechless. I had no prayer of a chance in seeing him but just happened to try by going to the door and invoking the Name and asking if they needed help. They did and next thing I know he's on the stage and loving the Wampa pillows my friends found. :) I sat on the steps, my head leaning on the guidewall, and just well, swooned a little. I'd waited practically my whole life to see him and there he was.

The only thing that could have made it better was if my other Luke-lover friends could have been there too.

2- working for StarWarsShop.com I had SO much fun talking to people and seeing the new products. And No Boba Fetts! I got my extroverted side it's exercise for the next year or so I think.

3- Harry Potter. Getting to go to Universal with my friends and run around Hogsmeade with the crew that I would have hung out with if there was a Hogwarts (I think we'd get our own house honestly!) was amazing. HOT as hell, exhausting, but amazing. SO glad I could go and so glad to have such wonderful friends. Frozen Butterbeer is worth the wait people.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

I didn't meet Marc Benioff (the George of Salesforce) but I saw him a lot and he was right in front of me multiple times. :) I did get to meet the Steve Sansweet of salesforce- Tom Wong. Great guy and I am so appreciative of his gifts to us (the most AWESOME seats at the keynotes, getting to be part of Bingo, and NEIL YOUNG TICKETS! for a start!) I kept telling myself before dreamforce that this is not a celebration and I don't know people and it's not going to be the same so don't be disappointed to get there and realize I've hit the dreamforce jackpot. Except I didn't win an iPad, but I did win a Nano! *lol*

Yeah, that's such a disappointing year eh?

Your TV boyfriend of the year?
11th Doctor. I love me some Matt Smith which is saying something because I typically like them older! Oh and Joshua Jackson from Fringe.

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Amelia Pond. I love her name, her red hair and the fact that she loves Rory and gives the Doctor the 1-2. The fact she remembers both Rory and the Doctor back into existance was not lost on me.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Dreamforce. One great big huge squee moment from start to finish. I was a foot away from Will.i.am at one point and had thought being 6 seats from him was awesome enough before.

Celebration and the Clone Wars screening. I even got to have coffee at the local Starbucks. I drank my latte and thought of Dunc. :)

The most missed of your old fandoms?
The excitement when a new Harry Potter was coming out (books). The excitment about anything Star Wars. Pushing Daisies. Damn I loved that show.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
I keep finding things AFTER they are over or so far into them people are getting out- Supernatural, Girl with books, Hunger Games, etc. Need to find something growing now besides Salesforce.com. I'm open to pitches and suggestions!!!
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