From Book to Movie

Jul 04, 2010 11:33

I saw Eclipse last night, after seeing New Moon earlier last week and rereading Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

I read it for the laughs people, I read it for the laughs.

Anyways- something occurred to me this morning while I was thinking about the movie.

They never introduced us to Claire, no Quill imprinting, and we don't hear about anyone else imprinting.

(Or did I miss this???)

What we did get was Leah and her "I could've!!!" whines.

Now, the only reason I'm interested is because I think Breaking Dawn is a flipping train wreck. I can not WAIT to see how they handle this from a purely sociological point of view- either fandom will explode or it will find the movie the best thing since freesia body spray.

What I kept thinking though this morning is how are they going to address Renesme and Jacob? Are they going to go there? To stay with the books and the whole subplot of Bella trusting Jacob with her for the escape? Or are they going to keep Renesme more normalish and pair up Jacob with ... Leah Clearwater.

There was just enough Leah to go "Why are they focused on Leah?" and not enough to go "Ohhhh because she's part of the story". Just enough to be a foreshadowing of things to come.

So are they going to take away one of my favorite moments in BD by making the story more traditional? Hrmm questions to ponder.

Outside of that, I love Jasper. The hair needs help but I adore Jasper. :)
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