Having just finished reading 1751 pages of the webcomic
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comiczomg, I am now going to read another (ongoing) webcomic by the same artist while I wait for a new update of YAFGC. And try to acclimate myself to not having hundreds of pages to go.
The "other webcomic" in question involves the 6th Doctor taking in a Jem & the Holograms concert, because he wants to know how they got their hands on Synergy, whose level of holographic tech should not be available at that time in Earth's history. I peeked at the latest strip; it involved Techrat and explosions.
This interests me strangely.
If you are also strange and/or interested, the beginning of the story arc "Outrage [of the Zygons]" is
As for YAFGC, if you've read it, I'd be happy to yak about it with you in the comments! I can say this much without putting spoilers in the main post: I really disliked Lucas at first (you're pretty much supposed to) and now he's one of my favourite characters. That character development was skillful; I am officially impressed!
zomgWho knew that finding a "25 expressions" deviAtion for a gelatinous cube would be a GATEWAY DRUG??? @_@