It's a show about a normal joe who becomes sheriff of a small town which is actually made up entirely (except him) of supergeniuses working on the most top secret science projects in the world. He has a sentient house and an attention-craving teen daughter. Something like that.
I don't know; those premises never turn out unless it's played for "fucking with the dumb one" (for certain metadefintions of dumb, in this case). Poor comedy.
Yeh, I'm rather proud of that one. And I'm keeping this one because I live in a better world than the writers, damnit.
I think it's less that he's dumb than that he's more of an average person, the viewer's lens to seeing all this weirdness. Nonetheless, I haven't sought it out, so I'm not sure. *shrugs*
A world where no one's twin is a kitten-killing creepazoid -- at least not in G00.
That would be why I said "metadefinitions of dumb"; he's average, but he's going to seem like a post to the den of genius freakshows, mm? I don't know, I don't think the premise is sound at all. Might work better as a book.
But as I understand it, Eureka is getting the slot, at least on SciFi.
That's good; I'd hate to have to kill you if you starting foaming. I need to defend Lockon, you know *sage nod*
...Even though Lyle is kitten-killer Lockon?
That thing will never be Lockon -_-
I love your icon.
Yeh, I'm rather proud of that one. And I'm keeping this one because I live in a better world than the writers, damnit.
A world where no one's twin is a kitten-killing creepazoid -- at least not in G00.
Amen --
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