The boys get Instagram

Jul 08, 2015 22:33

I accidentally cleaned all the pix off my phone before doing a photo dump here.

By accidentally I mean drank a lot of vodka and didn't think but whatevs.

Tonight both boys got Instagram accounts. They're 8 & 10 for anyone keeping score. They found out about Instagram when they went to the zoo with their summer camp, where apparently EVERYONE has cell phones and they were all uploading selfies with the animals to Instagram.

This is cheap Toronto community centre camp btw, not anything expensive or high falutin.

So I tried to use the 'you have to be 13 to use FB or social media' but apparently Instagram doesn't care how old you are.

So now they are both taking selfies and hash tagging #yolo and #blessed and I'm feeling as lost as when they first fell out of my vagina.

This year our schedule was Monday hockey, Tuesday t-ball and soccer, Wednesday hockey, Friday hockey. Did I mention Twisty G made a AA team this year which is an insane amount of $ and time?

My mom keeps assuring me that one day I'll miss this crazy schedule and I'm sure she's right.

But holy crap we ate a lot of Subway in the car in the way to sports for dinner.

Work is still interesting and fun and good. That right there is a minor miracle when you work for the gubbermint.

Kids are taking selfies but otherwise fit and healthy and kind and lovely.

Marriage is way better than I imagined 11 years in would be.

Taking time every Sunday to go to Second City and work out my funny bone. Not sure where I'm going with that but feel like I'm headed in the right direction.

LJ I just don't know how to quit you but not sure what to do with you either.

They say every day we write our legacy.

I'm not sure how I feel about that yet.

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