May 29, 2014 15:57
So it's my mom's 70th birthday tomorrow and I suddenly got all the feels about how lucky I am that she's still here and how few birthdays we might have left together and so I found myself weeping. In Hallmark. Over the kind of sappy ridiculous card I used to mock. What. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck?
Also I just broke my tooth.
As in fractured it so bad I'm going to see an implant specialist to preserve as much of the bone as possible that i broke WITH SOFT SQUISHY TOOTHBRUSH BRISTLES.
Getting old blows. Better than the alternative but they could make with the bionic teeth already. Just sayin.
In other news after oh I guess a couple of YEARS of this stupid app not working it finally occurred to me to delete and reinstall it and huzzah! Portable LJ again. This means I have no excuse not to use it now.
I've been a little bit overwhelmed trying to figure out where to start after everything that's happened. I'm so damned grateful to have so much love to get me through so much sorrow. I'm so disappointed in myself for letting the pain shut me down and silence me. I'm trying to take it easy on myself and accept that I'm doing the best I can.
All signs point to midlife crisis. At 29. I know, I know. Twisty G is getting way too smart for my liking. "Ok so you were 29 when you had me and I'm 9 now so HOLY CRAP YOU'RE ALMOST 40!!"
Fucking school. Fucking aging. Fucking predictable midlife crisis.
If I start talking about going to a Tibetan monastery or anything just take me out back and beat me.
With my toothbrush.
i hate teeth,
death sucks,
via ljapp,
meatsuit destiny,
i wanna hump anita,