(no subject)

Oct 26, 2010 22:14

Okay, that's it. Something has GOT to be done. Padded room. Electric shock. I'm open to any ideas. See, I was reading LJ today. And reading. And reading. And reading. And jeezis christ just how far back do I need to go here??

To Friday?


Yeah, yeah, busy at new job bitch, small people, Just Dance, blah blah. The excuses reasons I've been too busy to update more often are boring even to me but to forget to READ?! For an ENTIRE WEEKEND?? Dude, that's like forgetting my fucking VODKA. Worse really, given that Mr. Smirnoff hasn't been as big a part of my life for anywhere near as long as LJ.

I seriously can't even tell you how disconcerted I am. It's like I forgot a limb or something. And it doesn't stop there. I've been trying hard to just, you know, focus on the now, live in the moment, cherish as much as I can with how quickly its all going by. But it seems like the harder I try not to suck at life, the more I fuck it up.

That's almost, you know, funnay except without any of the hahaha part.

So I totally looked right at the calendar, read the words "Boys Dentist 3:30" and then said 'no babe, the entire week is clear, no plans'. Because my brain can't make words go anymore? Or maybe my decrepit old vision has totally failed me? Either way I forgot I gave him the all clear. So when Fratboy texted that he'd taken a paid duty, you know, to MAKE MONEY for us so we can like eat and shit I totally wranged all over him about having to go to the dentist and why doesn't he check with me before he accepts these things??

How I'm not divorced is God's own littel mystery.

Or my lady mitten really is magic.

Your call really.

I would just like something resembling a functioning brain back.

I have no idea how to make that happen.

And so far? Old age? Can BITE MY FUCKING ASS.

Just saying'.

So anyways. Back to Friday. I went to see the Dalai Lama...

I'd like to say I'm all enlightened now except, did you read the above?

Watching him crack himself up was dead cute though.

True story.

So Saturday we went pumpkin patching

Fed some goats and other critters



Can't tell whether Trixie ran the Beasties ragged or the other way around?

Saturday night we were supposed to go drag queening for Leanna birthday but that didn't happen and I was almost bummed until I remember that meant the possibility of DANCE CAVE!

Did I mention that when I met these lovely girls they were 11 YEARS OLD??

Kay and her goddaughter Leanna.

Who is no longer 11.

Did I mention the fact that they were ONLY 11 when I met them?

And now they're drunk in the Bitchez booth at Dance Cave.

The mind. She boggles!

Kay and I all romanticals, to ignore how fucking old we might be now

Ravensee, meet 2.0

Jeesiz Christ I have fantastic breasts!


Speaking of mind boggling boobies...

Hello Axel!

Paul and Dave

That's right.

The BOY!

He never actually laid a hand on me honey, I swear :p

Osaze, The Boy, Zia and a shitload of fabulous people we twirled with

2.0 + Jodi

I love these girls.

Wait, how the shit do they get to look so fabulous and NOT DRUNK at 3 in the morning??




What was I saying about Drunk Bitch??

Now GLEE and 16 and Pregnant.

Life IS beautiful...

2.0, the boy, dance cave, fitzy, bunny, hai! i'm bugfuck, sobriety tastes like dirty feet, bitchez, shrinky dink is my zen

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