
Apr 29, 2009 11:21

Lord I totally slept in half an hour past my alarm this morning. Which, ordinarily, is no biggie but of course today is the one morning I have an early meeting that I can't miss or even be late for. So I grab the closest rumpled clothes from the bedside, toss on a headband and high tail it out of the house without even brushing my hair or teeth, let alone make up. I am not exactly looking put together today, dig?

So when a car pulls up beside me with the window down it doesn't occur to me that this could be anything other than someone lost and looking for directions. Which I totally don't have time for here, People. Being the polite Canadian I am though I slap on a smile anyway and return the guy's enthusiastic HI!

Guy: I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are.

At this point I'm so stressed about missing the meeting that I still didn't get it. So I just say thanks and after missing a beat where my ignorant ass just wants to give him his damned directions already I follow up with 'is there something I can help you with?'.

Guy: Well I was wondering if I can take you for lunch?



Me: Oh. Ooooohhhh. Thanks, but I'm married.

Guy: Yeah, I know. I talked to your husband.

Well. This is a new one.

Me: You know my husband?

Guy: Sure, yeah. And he seems like he'd be pretty "understanding".

Me (with the biggest shit eating grin ever): Then you know he's a cop?

Guy: OH FUCK!!!

And I just stood there laughing as he peeled off in such a panic he actually squealed his tires. I'm sure this goes without saying but...

He had frosted hair.

copcicles, at least i crack myself up, frosted hair, fratboy

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