Yes We Can!

Jan 20, 2009 12:42

I just wept openly in front of pretty much everyone I work with, watching Barack Obama's inauguration.

You know last night I was at Dance Cave as I am most Mondays and Satan/Al Capone grabbed me for yet another dance, because he's clearly working his way up to selling me into slavery or eating my brains or something. Whatever. I'll cross that bridge. Anyway, I just had to ask out of pure morbid curiosity who he was last night and he said 'half Jesus, half Satan'. And I was all 'really? You can do that? You can be both at once?'. And he looked at me very seriously and said 'God is great'.

Now, I don't know much about this God business people keep going on about, but I am fairly certain that someone or something is, indeed, Great today.

bitchez, dance cave, work related, special occasions

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