(no subject)

Jun 18, 2008 09:19



Remember how yesterday I was complaining about the fact that I have never taken a shot in the face before?

Haha Universe. This was NOT what I had in mind...

So apparently I was a little lippy. Shocking, I know. I can't imagine me being anything but the sweetness and light you all are used to either. And Niter decided to make with the haha and pretend to kick me in the face. Except. Ha. Apparently Niter doesn't know her own length. HaHA! You see what I did there? It's supposed to be she doesn't know her own strength but I made with the funnay and changed it to length cuz there's 6 damned feet of her and apparently she forgot most of that was in her legs and STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT OR I'LL GET HER TO KICK YOU IN THE HEAD TOO!!

And as I lay there, dazed and confused the first thought that went through my head as I was laughing so hard I was crying was the song Drop It Like It's Hot. Because I am always a flygirl at heart. As that settled into my brain as the background soundtrack for the rest of the night the only words that kept reverberating in my concussed brain were...

I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Because dude, she totally did. She had no intention of making contact so she had no reason to hold anything back. She just hauled off and literally dropkicked me in the face. And you know, I can't even tell you how many times I've seen that in the movies but now I kind of get Fight Club in a whole new way because until you've been kicked in the face you always kind of wonder and now I know and it made me laugh and I may have a whole new career in hooliganry ahead of me and I have Anita to thank for it.

Apparently now it's me, Mother Theresa AND Edward Norton in it to win it.

Remember when I used to have friends who didn't randomly kick me in the face?

This is seriously SERIOUSLY never going to stop being the funniest fucking thing that EVAR happened to me...

photoshop warz, i am an artiste, fabulous piss flaps, best of, i wanna hump anita, what's a girl gotta do for a face shot?

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