(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 13:18

For those of you that need a Tuesday giggle, some more Dance Cave pictures...

Sadly there are no more pictures of the_siobhan picking 2ndaryairplane's nose this time.

Or am I the only one sad about that?

I have no idea what's going on here but I suspect JAZZ HANDS are somehow involved as usual

Is Cyn talking about Buttseks again?

Me, lovin up on some to_thine_own who has indeed consented to be identified. Being seen with me, even...

OHMYGAWDYAY!! with to_thine_own, since she hasn't given the okay to out her as a dirty little Dance Cave patron yet..

Oh my!! An unexpected tallintaiwan sighting...

Me showing off my green glitter heart for St Paddy's day to divine. No, really. I'm not trying to get her to look at my tits or nothing. That would be uncouth...

And clearly she's not trying to get me to look at hers either...

Well hell, if we're whipping out boobies here...

Like my Kneegy would ever miss out on the opportunity to strip in public...

I, of course, am far to demure and proper to engage in any such shenanigans. Ha. Ah, the Power Of The Editor!!

Moving right along, we go from mid-March to the end of March with Steff grabbing Busboy Liam's butt, cuz, well, it's a really cute ass so what else would you do when he's waggling it right in front of you like that, all encased in tight jeans. HE WAS CLEARLY ASKING FOR IT!!

This is either his Interpretive Dance Response...

...or he's inviting us to grab his crotch next.

Oh good grief. I *heart* this picture in my pants. See, I always leave DC before Cyn cuz I'm weaksauce like that. And I always leave her the camera before I go. Which she promptly forgets about in her drunken glory. But every so often I will go to download the pictures the next day and find little gems like this waiting for me...

Fast forward to The Night The Pregnant Lady Ate All The Cupcakes

spikella arrived, ready to get some cupcake love

When no cupcakes were available apparently they decided to eat my ass instead.

That's right, eat my entire ass BEETCHES!!


ravensee took the news of the lack of cupcakes with her usual charm and grace

And I ate Cyn's head. Cuz what else do you do when some damned pregnant woman thinks she can steal all yer damned cupcakes just cuz she's all knocked up and cute?

Mmmmmmmm, braaaaaaaaaaaains...

Steff drops her pants to show off her new ink

Dan needed a closer look.

Of the tattoo.


*SQUEE* It's an ash-pixie!!

Wait a minute...

Where's she get a damned cupcake from?...

spikella apparently forgave our resident preggo and cupcake thief. Amazing what the knocked up can get away with...

I. Erm. Fell down?

Who here needs an explanation of why Cyn has suddenly exploded with ALL THE GLEE AND GHEY IN THE WORLD??

GodDAMN, we're cute! No seriously. Have you freakin' well seen us lately?

Cyn with her second love, BEER. Though she'll argue it's her first love. Except you'll note that beer does not make her explode with ALL THE GLEE AND GHEY IN THE WORLD!!

Fuck me. Does it get any hotter than this??

Fuck me twice. Apparently so.

Dan in the middle of the sandwich of his dreams

Until annna decided to fulfil his photographic fantasies

Erm. Cyn farted? Or did I? Or maybe I'm just terribly vexed that Niter's not going down on me? I have no idea what this photo is doing in the middle of this...


Niter's cleavage is always very popular...

Did I mention VERY?...

Ooooh, except watch out for that Niter. She is very fierce and ferosh! Some would say menacing, even. Uh-huh. Now would be a good time for you to be very SKERRED...

Cyn sips her pitcher of beer with a straw. Because how else does a lady drink a pitcher of beer?? Duh.

Cyn also forgave The Cupcake Thief.

Ha. Twice, even...

"Don't get lippy white-lady!"

And you people thought I was kidding when I said she beat me with shoes...

Save me Ravensee!....

And. Well. I've been too drunk and lazy to go Douchebag hunting. Cuz believe it or not there a lot of work involved in tracking down and capturing your Douchebag of the Week dammit. And that's time I could be spending drinking. Ha.

So until we get back into the douchebaggie swing of things, will this do?

So, yeah. Did you know that on this day in history China sent troops to Tiananmen Square in 1989? Me neither. Thanks iGoogle. To be fair I was only...erm...uh...OUCH...10 years old at the time?...


This age-related recalculation is getting harder as I get older and dumber.

Okay so maybe I was just a smidge older than that but regardless the world started and stopped with cute boys wearing eyeliner and tight pants in '89 so what did I know or care about something going on halfway across the globe? Us superficial twats can be totally oblivious like that.

So today I read all about it. And got as indignant as I probably should have almost 20 years ago. And it's just interesting I guess how much more there is to this world than I ever bothered to pay attention to. And I'm sure that's a sign of impending old age and DOOM and DEATH to be paying attention to it now. But I am. So suck it death and doom.

And I think come September I'm going to enroll in Ryerson to get my Masters in Governance and Public Administration. One course at a time and it will take me until I'm fucking fifty erm, still 29 to complete. But fuck it, I'll still be 29. Ha.

As much as Law and the courts sidetracked my interest for a while there it's clear that other than being an actual dirty stinking lawyer, there's no money in law. Or at least not enough. And I am far too morally bereft to ever entertain the possibility of becoming a lawyer because HAI! for a half a mil a year I would totally sell my own grandmother and I know it and that's sad but think of all the shoes it would buy and that's why I can never ever ever go into law and it's good to know that about yourself.

So instead I'm thinking policy. If I'm not going to ruin the world in my gluttonous hedonism, I may as well work on making it better or some such shit. So I guess Policy Wank it is. Fitzy's old enough and unless I have another fucking, goddamned baby which somebody should really shoot me for putting in writing out there to the Universe like that cuz HA HA Universe, HA FRIGGING HA I'M TOTALLY HAPPY WITH THE TWO I HAVE RIGHT NOW KTHXBYE!, aside from all that I really have no excuse not to start night school in the fall.

So I think I will.

That is all.

bitchez, dance cave, pictures, work related, i wanna hump anita

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