(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 10:07

I woke up this morning and made pancakes for breakfast.

I would like it noted for the record that I fucking hate pancakes. Nasty, disgusting little things. But once again I am at the mercy of the food pornography Fitzy projects into my brain every night. Man I can't wait for the day when my pornographic dreams actually involve sex again.

12 more sleeps.


So back to my nasty assed pancakes, which for the record did not taste anything like pancakes. Look, I've never made them before and I'm not the world's greatest cook to begin with so what the frig did you expect? I would also like it noted for the record that enough butter and maple syrup is a very forgiving combination...I think I could have put them on an old shoe and they would have been tasty goodness. At least to Fitzy. :p

In the past week I have woken and set to work making deviled eggs, frying up fresh cut french fried potatoes, making homemade potato and egg salad...Fitzy is getting more demanding by the hour. You note the common denominators of fat and carbs throughout, yes?


On the plus side after 8 months of neglect I finally have an appointment to get me hairs attended to again. Soon enough there will be tummy sleeping and leg shaving and not being at the mercy of fetal cravings anymore. I will throw out the Tums and unearth my regular clothes.

And there will be toes. Tiny, twee baby toes.

Life is pretty sweet right now.


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