All hail Sir Bert!!

Aug 05, 2005 11:11

God that man is brilliant. This isn't even going to sound that funny in the retelling cos the beauty was all in the timing and delivery. Captain Feathersword and Dorothy the Dinosaur were guests today. And bert made the best timed smutty joke i've ever seen: original? not especially. But fucking hilarious:

Dorothy was bouncing around meaning the oddly shaped upwards pointing tail was bouncing around, Bert immediately segued from chatting about the new wiggles DVD to "is that your tail or are you just pleased to see me"? Poor Captain F actually looked like he was about to keel over.. and the damned tail kept bouncing/twitching.

Try explaining that one to your 3 year old.

On an unrelated note of music geekery.. SOO excited about sax concert at the opera house i'm going to tonight. It's the occasional bane of my existence trying to explain to people that I'm a classically trained sax player and whilst i play jazz there's some amazing classical music out there for the instrument. Plus it's pretty much my dream repetoire tonight as well.. and i can feel pseudo-arrogant cos i've played a lot of myself. Music geekery aside, i loves me some opera house action anyway- drink at opera bar, get a little dressed up, and best people watching ever.

What's not to love really?
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