Has finally given in!

Jan 09, 2011 18:34

So Niki has finally convinced me to start rping with her. I avoided it in the past mostly because it does take up a lot of time. Partly becaus she's having so much fun with that and if we ended up fighting or whatever I didn't want to ruin it for her, but that was back when we had a relationship. Seeing as I was the one who introduced her to the wonderful world of rpg games in the first place, it's not that I didn't like rp games. Of course I do, it's just that all of my rp experience has been in worlds where you play original characters. Well we had a Harry Potter verse game but pretty much all of those characters were original seeing as it was I think about twenty years into the future or summin like that.

Anywhoooooo...she's been trying to convince me to do it for months. But then she started playing a new game, Dirty Vegas. Which is...well it's a smut game. You know how much I like my smut. Basically Vegas in in ruins because Loki is a douche and survived The End of the World. And apparently Loki is as much of a yaoi fan girl as the rest of us because he brings in a bunch of yummy guys. If they don't have every two weeks you can't sleep and then you go slowly insane. So basically you have guy on guy action or you die. Pretty f-ing niftay.

So...she's been bugging me about characters for awhile and I don't know, maybe it was all the frustrated sexual (and otherwise) energy that's been floating around with my unrequited love for Jeremy, but I was sorely tempted. Of course I first thought about doing Roxas but their Axel is fail so that wouldn't be fun. Then I thought about doing Sholto from LKH's Merry Gentry series. it would be difficult but with all the tentacles, but definately a possibiity. Unfortunately there are little to no icons and I'm not sure who I'd play with. Then Niki had a brilliant idea:


Or Chad, from Bleach. One of my favorite characters. A giant Mexican who kicks ass, loves cute furry things, and wears loud Hawaiin shirts.


So yes...I am now on chapter 40 of reading the Bleach manga because I only watched the first arc of the anime three years ago and I don't remember it. Just thought I'd make a journal entry so I have it on the internets officially so I don't chicken out.
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